Let’s Make Them Mad: White Americans for Romney

If you are white, vote white.

by Frank Roman

Go to Google and do a search on “African Americans for Obama” and see how many different sites you get.  Several of those are either sub-domains of, or pages in, the official Obama site.  Others may or may not be officially sanctioned by the Obama campaign. But nevertheless, in 2008 Barack Obama’s greatest asset was his (marginal) blackness, his race. Blacks were euphoric to see one of their own headed to the White House, and whites who were properly conditioned did everything but back flips on a busy interstate to ensure his presidency. In other words the one defining feature is the fact that Barack Obama was elected on the basis emotion.
Blacks elected him as a way to assert themselves once and for all, an assertion based on anger for real and imagined slights against their group. More significantly though, whites who voted for him did so as a tribute to the unspoken and unambiguous self hate they picked up from years of indoctrination by the media schools churches and universities. Theirs was no less a racial and emotional vote than was the blacks.

But let’s keep it simple. Barack Obama won the election in 2008 for three very important reasons:

1] Aside from the unrealistic notion for immediate free money transfers from the Treasury to their bank accounts, blacks voted for him on racial terms alone — because he’s black. No more, no less. It was get-back time for whitey in spite of their euphoria and phoney calls for good will. We knew better. Practically none of them can articulate one policy Obama had in mind or has ever accomplished. Many white supporters were (and still are) just as stupid.

2] In 2008 the alien hyper-leftist white-baiting American media had been prepping and preening the European American psyche for decades to not only accept this black moment but to actually facilitate it via white guilt. And nothing has changed. The evidence is everywhere in what passes for the modern American election cycle. Look it up.

3] The omnipotent American federal government and their diversity mongering corporate donors continue to contribute to this effort in terms of monies to non-white pressure groups, (along with) hate crime legislation directed primarily at European Americans, and politically correct social indoctrination — effectively scaring European Americans to death with threats of job loss, legal nightmares and even violence if any evidence of ‘racism’ is detected in their lives.

Americans have indeed made history, as the dumbest body of voters on earth, and many of “us” saw this racial nightmare coming. As Obama’s Leninist / collectivist proclivities made things worse economically it is still somehow whitey’s fault and the media continues to run with it, which is a good thing really. That’s why we at European Americans United.org wished President Obama a long healthy four years, for he and cronies in the media have done wonders awakening an important subset of our people. As one member of the British National Party remarked four years ago: one way of looking at Obama: he is the last hurrah of the liberal left, if this doesn’t work nothing will!

Moreover, CNN recently reported that for weeks, he (Obama) “has hovered around 40% of white voter support – a level that Democratic presidential candidates have struggled with in the recent past and one that analysts believe Barack Obama must maintain in order to win. At the same time, he has to encourage minority voters to go to the polls and capture 80% of their support.” In other words he’s in deep, deep trouble–on a racial basis.

Be that as it may Obama has had four years of bald faced lies, broken promises, and systematic destruction of jobs, the economy and the world’s perception of the U.S. not to mention the loss of some of our basic legal and civil rights. In short he has propped up and managed to underscore negative black stereotypes on a level unforeseen anywhere else.  Will Romney or the lesser known candidates be any better?  Who knows – they are politicians.  But Obama has proven he can’t do the job so let’s terminate his employment and move on.

So within two weeks, we will all have a chance to show how ‘racist’ we are. By we I am referring to European Americans who will deliberately cast their vote for Mitt Romney because they mistakenly believe he’ll be a good president. (He won’t be.) Let’s take advantage of the fact there are many public polls that show a growing share of white Romney voters as likely to vote as four years ago, which poses a racial problem for Obama and favors the very white Mitt Romney.

We know, the black Obama worshippers don’t agree and may indeed riot if he loses to the white guy.  He’s their God, their black knight in shining armor, their brother, their thin edge of the wedge with which to extract white America’s guilt and treasure. That’s why we all need to ride this white horse into the very battle our enemies wish to have. No, Mitt Romney will not do anything explicitly racial on behalf of our people. He wont be any better than George Bush and his polices will do little to create an environment under which white Americans will thrive as a specific conscious entity. He is an establishment candidate who will uphold the status quo. We know that going in and if you don’t, you should.

Besides, it’ll feel good to stick it to them by voting for the white guy, will it not?

We as a people are still a majority in this nation (65%) and this opportunity must not pass. Let’s anger our anti-white insolent enemies by voting for the candidate that at least looks like us. In order to further an awakening, let us nurture the real and imagined grievances blacks and a growing number of mestizos harbor against our folk.  In a twisted perverse kind of way, its what they and their media string pullers want us to do. Black Americans for Obama? White Americans for Romney.

It’s natural.

If you are white, vote white.

Let them riot.
