The Elephant the Candidates Ignore

by John Young

Back in 2007, the GAO issued a report, approved by the U.S. Department of Energy, stating that the phenomenon of Peak Oil is quite real, could occur any time, and would produce unprecedented economic disruption when (not IF, but WHEN) it occurs. You can download the report Though the timing is uncertain, it is now five years closer than it was in 2007.

The U.S. Joint Forces Command issued a report in 2010 stating that excess supply would disappear sometime in 2012, and we could see very real shortages by 2015. You can download that report

The Department of Defense, Department of Energy and Government Accountability Office are not widely known to be members of kook conspiracy theorist crowds. Peak oil is REAL and it is happening SOON. And none of the candidates has addressed it. Peak Oil will be a catastrophe, but it will also be an opportunity.

Our system will be extremely resistant to change so long as there are enough surpluses to fund professional sports teams and food stamps. But we are on the verge of our economy shrinking by as much as 90%. We are on the verge of a fatal loss of confidence in the system. We are on the verge of a very very real OPPORTUNITY.

I have already told you how to get ready. If you need a reminder, listen to my

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. You need to be prepared because the very act of being prepared will put you in a position to LEAD.

Be ready and be involved NOW. When you can’t afford the electricity to get on the Internet and figure out where to get the seeds you need or how to contact other people with similar views, it will be too late.

The candidates can afford to ignore this, but WE cannot.
