The Power Dynamics of Degeneracy

Someone on Gab asked me to be “specific” regarding my opinions on non-heterosexual degeneracy. This is likely because he found it confusing that I treated an “out” homosexual in my normally polite fashion. This should not have been confusing at all because I treat everyone decently unless they have made it clear that they are an enemy. So what the fellow should have asked is “is someone automatically an enemy if they are homosexual?” Not everyone falls within a friend/enemy distinction. Many fall in between or are “unknown.” But the enemy distinction is often quite clear: an enemy is someone who attacks you. That could be personally, socially, philosophically or politically. To the best of my knowledge, the man has launched no attacks on me or my Folk in any of these realms, therefore he is not treated as an enemy.

But the problem goes beyond merely asking the wrong question, because the question demonstrates a misunderstanding of how power works, the nature of degeneracy, and the mechanisms behind its promotion.

Although the correspondent was looking for something simple and sound-biteable, the subject of degeneracy is an important one I haven’t addressed in a while or with much depth. Likewise, the way power operates within that dynamic is also important to understand. The fact I haven’t addressed these issues is an oversight I am correcting here. Brace yourself: this will not be short because a lot of factors are at play here.


Let me first lay out some foundational principles. If you disagree with these, you’ll disagree with everything else because these are key for prioritizing conflicts of values: kids should have, barring criminal issues, an otherwise inalienable right to the time, attention and presence of their biological fathers and should furthermore have their innocence regarding sexual matters preserved. Furthermore, European Americans United has, since its foundation, promoted the two-parent, heterosexual family as its ideal, with a further emphasis on maintaining extended family as well.

There are sound reasons for these principles. The presence (or absence) of a child’s biological father in the home is more predictive than any other factor of a child’s later educational attainment, employment prospects, likelihood of using drugs, likelihood of running afoul of the law and a host of other socially important issues. Most sensible people also realize that exposing children to sexual situations when young can have profound negative impact on their capacity to form normal healthy relationships as adults.

Furthermore, there is a reason why the family and kid’s sexuality has become such a target from the left: the family – both nuclear and extended – is a bastion of strength and stability for people that gives them economic and social resilience against other forces in society, and a realm for independence of thought and action.

The basic unit of our people is not the individual. It is the family because the family is the only unit capable of reproducing itself. The extended family adds yet further depth and resilience, along with cross-generational connection. This helps kid orient themselves to a sense of belonging and purpose.

What is degeneracy?

So this leads me to the concept of degeneracy. Degeneracy is a pattern of behavior, often though not always sexual, that either screws up kids or otherwise psychologically, intellectually, physically, emotionally, economically or legally inhibits the formation of healthy, stable, lifetime two-parent families that will raise healthy children who can form similar families of their own. Degeneracy is also represented by behaviors that weaken people’s Will, reduce their resilience or otherwise weaken their physical, intellectual, moral or emotional capacities.

Perhaps you have encountered the studies that show that the more physically fit a man is, the more likely he is to be right wing. Ditto for appearance which in large measure is driven by both genetic and physical health. Therefore, the promotion of dietary and other lifestyle or appearance choices that diminish one’s capacities ALSO makes these people more compliant with leftism.

Nothing that is degenerate should be supported by, protected by, promoted by or funded by any government or major social institution in a sane society. Anything that promotes, funds, protects or supports degeneracy is an enemy of our Folk, because degeneracy weakens and harms our Folk. We obviously no longer live in a sane society at large, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to assert sane social structure and institutions in our own lives.

Although it is common for our true-right spheres to attribute degeneracy to only non-heterosexual behaviors, the reality is that plenty of heterosexual (and not-directly-sexual) behaviors also fit the bill and are, in general, far more prevalent while being less commented upon. This is a problem because by shifting our attention to areas where we don’t have much power and away from aspects over which we CAN exercise control, we dis-empower ourselves. 99% of the people reading this are normal heterosexual people. As a result, both lifestyle and heterosexual degeneracy affect us far more than degeneracy of other types. And, as heterosexuals, we actually have direct access to the heterosexual social institutions, and have the power to affect them simply through awareness, making good choices, and doing what is right even when it contradicts our immediate desires.

Ronald Reagan’s brainchild of unilateral no-fault divorce has created a social disaster of epic proportions. The same applies for Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” programs and the epidemic of single-motherhood they ushered into the body politic. Both of these are textbook USSR communism and among the first laws passed under the USSR, and neither of the US’s fake political parties is addressing either. These policies have led to generations of children being abused, sexually or otherwise, by live-in lovers of single parents. They have led to poorer educational, employment and criminal outcomes which have then further perpetuated social pathology to become multi-generational. More than 1/3rd of European-American kids are now raised without their fathers in the home. These policies have also led to men going on a marriage strike because of the insane imbalance of power in the family courts. Obviously, these are examples of degeneracy, and contrary to the long term health of the European-American nation.

And these are far from the only examples of heterosexual degeneracy. About a decade ago, I did an entire series on prostitutes who offer their services via online advertising, and most of whose clients are married men. Such “escort malls” are widespread, and websites host millions of accounts for “sugar babies” – another kind of prostitute that inhibits family stability. There is also the phenomenon of websites such as Ashley Madison with tens of millions of clients that are dedicated exclusively to facilitating affairs. And numerous towns, unknown to many, host “swingers parties.” Increasingly, media is pushing “open” marriages – which almost always end in divorce or suicide – as the trendy new thing. Hookup culture tends to leave women callous and scarred, often leaving them unsuitable as wives and mothers. Far too many men are playing video games all day while mainlining soft drinks and smoking pot, making them both less fertile and unattractive to women. Porn addiction has led to the phenomenon of men being so overstimulated by fake women that the new phenomenon of porn-induced impotence is hitting young men. All of these things are degenerate. All of these either lower the odds of a marriage happening in the first place, make it more likely to end in divorce if it happens, take people out of the gene pool entirely, tend away from having kids, or increase the odds of kids growing up in sub-optimal circumstances.

I just want to point out here, as a matter of context, that the odds of a white kid being harmed through epigenetic issues from mom smoking pot, being born to a single mom, ending up with the biological father kicked out of the home, a parent having a family-destroying affair, or ending up incapable of a healthy sexual relationship due to porn are numerically far greater than the odds of being harmed by a pedophile. More than a third of European-American children are being raised under circumstances of obvious heterosexual degeneracy, and this is what makes them vulnerable to non-heterosexual degeneracy.

Let me say this again, because it is important. Strong and healthy nuclear and extended families that raise healthy and well-adjusted kids confident in their own identity, and protecting them from sexual exposures (including Internet porn) are how you protect kids from the evil of blue-haired “non-binary” teachers trying to convince them they are “trans.” It’s not the only thing we can do, but it is absolutely our first and most important line of defense, and if we don’t have that, nothing else we try to do will matter. It is only a stable family, for example, that can pull off homeschooling.

And a lot of this … even though we can’t control public policy … we can certainly control our own behaviors and reactions to it. We can commit ourselves such that, no matter what, we will remain faithful to our spouses, and we won’t divorce them simply because “I’m not haaapyyyy.” We can set up our Internet routers at home to eliminate pornography and social media such as Tumblr to protect our kids from them, at least when they are home. We can educate our kids about the dangers of these things as well, and model healthy adaptive behaviors.

Our government, as exhaustively discussed previously , does not represent us. It simply carries out the will of oligarchy and pressure groups. That is all. So, at the behest of these groups, we have subsidies encouraging single motherhood, perverse incentives for women to divorce their husbands, unlimited free pornography, websites to encourage and enable cheating and the whole nine yards. On top of this, there is non-stop media on 200 channels (owned by the same oligarchs, of course) pushing and normalizing these things. Hell, the “single mother” is the closest thing our media had to a saint in its secular religion before jumping on the transgenderism train.

So it is understandable that many people fall into this degeneracy. However, the powers-that-be work through persuasion rather than force. Nobody comes with a pistol and threatens to murder you if you don’t sign up for a cheating website. Nobody threatens to torture your teenage son if he doesn’t masturbate to increasingly hardcore porn. Nobody threatens to cut off your wife’s fingers if she doesn’t divorce you. Nobody forces your teenage daughter to take birth control pills (“for her acne”) at gun point. All of these are matters of choice. And being properly informed of these things combined with a personal commitment to avoid them can go a long way toward rendering the oligarch’s agenda of degeneracy null and void.

We have the power to change this, right now, simply through our own choices without need to buy a single Senator. This is why the European-American nation is based on a code of ethics. Moral action IS power. People have too easily been swayed into thinking rules from tradition or religion restrict their freedom, when the reality is that the opposite is true. People simply don’t understand freedom, but that is a subject for another day, so we don’t get too far off track.

Another line that can be crossed into degeneracy is “net social harm.” For example, approximately 1.2 million people in the US have HIV which is mostly (although not exclusively) contracted through anal sex between men. Each person infected carries a lifetime medical cost of over $490,000 – a whopping total cost to America of $590B, not counting research, lost productivity and the sheer anguish when people’s sons and brothers die. That is clearly degeneracy. You can measure it. It has a literal body count that makes all the terrorist acts in the US combined look like child’s play. It has caused innocent children to be born with the illness, and hemophiliacs and surgery patients to die from transfusions.

Although I used the example of gay promiscuity above, there are other behaviors that qualify as degenerate under the same criteria that have nothing to do with sex, because they adversely affect one’s mate quality, odds of finding a mate and so forth. An example is our obesity epidemic. One is not “healthy at any size.” Being overweight not only diminishes mate choice, it also diminishes income, diminishes odds of conception if one does manage to secure a mate, etc. And in 90%+ of cases, that obesity CAN be ended simply through proper dietary choices and exercise of self-control. The same applies to the average of 56 hours a week that Americans spend immersed in visual entertainment. This does literal brain damage to children, immerses people in propaganda and lies to normalize maladaptive behavior, supports people who hate us, makes us fat, hurts our ability to learn and even hurts our ability to sleep properly, further adversely affecting our health.

Degeneracy is far more than the gay butt-sex affecting 4% or less of the population.

How power really works in America

According to a comprehensive study by Princeton, less than 1% of all legislation benefits actual voters. 80% benefits moneyed interests, and 20% benefits pressure groups. “Democracy” is just a fancy description of a system wherein oligarchs buy whatever legislation and regulations they want, and the result is blamed on “voters” whose only two choices when they walk into the voting booth have been pre-selected by those same oligarchs.

I won’t say voting makes no difference at all, because it makes a difference on those rare 1% of issues where oligarchs and pressure groups have no interests in the fight, and it can also make a very large difference in local policies. But by and large, especially at the national level, you have absolutely no power at all except for deliberately joining and funding a pressure group.

My point here is that there is no group of ordinary people who actually has power at the policy level. Anyone who reads this website realizes that white people, despite being an ever shrinking majority, have no power. If we did, our borders would be closed and H-1B visas would not exist. For 50 years the majority of Americans of all races, when taken in aggregate, have wanted far more substantial restrictions on immigration, and this goes doubly for white Americans. Yet, we have non-stop immigration. The same goes for the way our country was hollowed out and all of our manufacturing jobs sent to Asia and Mexico. The majority of Americans didn’t want that. But we got it anyway, good and hard. That’s because we have no power at the policy level. If we had even a TINY bit of power at that level, through the democratic process, the country would look very different.

According to a CDC study done under the Obama administration, if you added up ALL non-heterosexuals together – homosexual, lesbian, asexual, transexual, non-binary, wants to have sex with the Eiffel Tower – ALL of it combined, constituted 4% of the population. Four percent.

And despite the number of people “identifying” now as “other than heterosexual” – 25% on average in colleges – their actual sexual behavior is such that in terms of behavior, that four percent number is still valid. “Identifying” as something other than heterosexual is just a shortcut for the narcissistic to gain effortless virtue under the status quo, and is utterly predictable because it is incentivized. But truly non-heterosexual people are nevertheless a distinct minority, only gaining in percentages when attention-whore single moms or man-hating lesbian couples decide to raise their kids as “trans.”

So, if WE had no power even when we were 90% of the population … do you think that the 4% have any? Of course not.

But hold on, you might ask, if they have no power, how is it that some blue haired non-binary school teacher can give kids puberty blockers without parental consent, brag about it openly, and receive no punishment? Surely, you conclude, they MUST have power, because you can see it with your own eyes.

Yes, you are seeing the result of power. But it is not THEIR power. It is reflected power. They are useful idiots. Minions. They exercise power on behalf of their masters, and if they were to deviate, they would find themselves in deep shit. They are merely compliant.

In systems such as ours, in which an informal alliance of oligarchs (eg WEF, CFR, ADL, etc), finance, academia, media, permanent bureaucracy and pressure groups hold actual power, while elected figureheads do their bidding under the guise of formal power, there has to be a way of presenting an appearance that government is doing what the people want. For ease of writing, I will call this informal alliance the “Cathedral” in the parlance of Moldbug, understanding that my conception of it is a bit different than his. (Particularly with regard to certain elephants in the room he can’t see due to his own self-interest.)

To accomplish the appearance of responsive government, special interests are either found or created, and mobilized to demand that the government do … what the Cathedral wants.

As I have in many articles in the past , I will remind you of the protest movements of the 1960’s and 1970’s. We were taught in school that these movements caused changes in policy, but that is not the case. These movements had substantial financial backing from people already in power, bail money at the ready, and lawyers ready to go. Even people involved in outright terrorism, such as the Weather Underground, found themselves with appointments as professors rather than spending the decades behind bars that they deserved. So the Cathedral mobilized these groups to give the appearance of a mass movement, with the government capitulating to a “will of the people” that most people opposed.

You see the same with the riots in 2020, in which hundreds of businesses were burned, billions of dollars in damage were done, and a couple of dozen people (that we know of) were murdered. Charges, when filed at all, were quietly dropped later and the current Vice President of the country presided over a project posting bail for those unlucky enough to be temporarily incarcerated.

Contrast this with the treatment received by Proud Boys, an organization deemed “white supremacist” despite being run by a black man from Cuba.

What this tells you is that when public protesting serves the agenda of the Cathedral, then it is allowed, covered for, and lightly prosecuted if at all. Black Lives Matter, an organization at one time partly headed by a convicted but then pardoned terrorist, has received billions of dollars in funding. They, along with Antifa, represent what is, essentially, an unofficial paramilitary wing of the Cathedral that both helps them advance their agenda while appearing to serve “the will of the people” while also giving them plausible deniability. Most recently, this sort of demonstration has gone so far as to openly illegally threaten Supreme Court justices, with no prosecution in sight.

So what does this have to do with non-heterosexual degeneracy? Everything.

How the Cathedral builds its mandate

The Cathedral builds its mandate by finding (or making) marginalized groups who are convinced that their status, their income, their “rights,” or their very existence is dependent upon their support of the Cathedral. Not only do these groups then do everything from monitor voting to mobilizing protests, but they also serve as the purveyors and enforcers of the Cathedral’s party line.

The lowest IQ college majors are Education, Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, Social Work and Public Administration. As many as 59% of prospective teachers in Massachusetts, all college graduates, failed 10th grade reading tests. New York had the same problem. So they called the tests “racist” and abolished them.

What this tells us … is that there is a group of people out there with very generous income, benefits, retirement and even union protection in many cases … who, in the private sector, would be working in a warehouse or serving coffee. Instead, they enjoy extreme job security and a guaranteed cushy retirement. This is one example of the Cathedral’s constituency, and they will fight to protect it tooth and nail without even understanding what it is, because instinctively they know that without the Cathedral, they are just another borderline literate barista.

Along with promoting sub-midwits into positions of status, security and power, the Cathedral also harnesses marginalized people. For example, single mothers who need a variety of direct and indirect state and corporate subsidies, ranging from collecting child support from the man she won’t allow to see his kids, to the earned income tax credit to subsidized daycare and even, in some cases, free college. Without the Cathedral, single motherhood is completely unsustainable because it is the single largest predictor of poverty. But with the Cathedral, there is opportunity. Thus, single mothers get turned into a reliable voting block and source of support, as well as someone the Cathedral can point to, and claim to serve. Obviously, their policies will always aim to increase the number of single or divorced mothers.

Jews are a particular target of this because despite their far disproportionate levels of influence and power, they are inundated daily with propaganda purporting to show they will be subjected to Holocaust II if they don’t support the Cathedral.

You name the group – if the Cathedral can give them some sort of extra or special rights, income that could not otherwise be earned, some sort of status or moral mandate – they will be turned into a special interest that depends upon, and thus supports the Cathedral. And if they can be made the focus of some sort of program that also serves the Cathedral’s interests, so much the better. And thus the case with non-heterosexuals.

Where do LGBTQIAHIV+ come from?

Let’s take a look at the environment that is currently creating non-heterosexuals.

First, let’s be clear that from an evolutionary perspective, anything but heterosexual orientation is contrary to the capacity to reproduce. This makes heterosexuality the default, predominant and normal state of being. Anything else endangers that person’s capacity to pass on their genes, and is thus no different than any other incapacity that could adversely affect reproductive fitness.

That is not to say that only people who can naturally reproduce are useful. Studies show that, over the past 2,000 years, in each generation, only 60% of men and 90% of women who have lived into adulthood have made it into the gene pool. The other 40% of men and 10% of women have not, for various reasons. The primary reason for this is war, but men also tend to seek adventure and novelty. Even today, many men die from misadventure before age 50. But just because someone has no offspring does not mean they are useless. Rushton fully developed an explanation of altruism in terms of genetic relatedness. If I share a lot of genes with my community, those common genes benefit if, by dying for the community, I save it.

Frank Salter’s work on ethnic genetic interests has demonstrated that affecting policy to prevent one African migrant is the genetic equivalent of having ten kids. So although forming healthy families is the primary way most people contribute to society, it is far from the only way.

Many are familiar with the wealthy aunt or uncle who never married, or never had kids, but whose largess funded the college education of nephews and nieces, thereby promoting the genes held in common. In past ages, people who were unsuited for marriage for whatever reason nevertheless contributed to their community, and often to all of humanity – Leonardo da Vinci, Nikolai Tesla and Sir Isaac Newton come to mind. And we can’t forget the monks toiling away in monasteries during the Middle Ages who painstakingly preserved the writings of Aristotle and more. Our modern understanding of genetics was ushered into the world through the efforts of a celibate monk named Mendel.

So the mere fact that someone has an orientation, whether sexual, religious or otherwise that inhibits reproduction, is born too ugly to find a mate, dies defending their community or dedicates themselves to science to such a degree they have no room for relationships does not automatically make someone a negative for society. Considering that some people who are non-heterosexual literally remain celibate, assuming they don’t promote their behavior to otherwise good genetic stock, it is hard to argue that merely being something other than heterosexual is automatically, in and of itself, degenerate.

These things are not automatically a social problem, particularly if they only affect a small percentage of the population that keeps to itself. Where they cross the line into degeneracy is when they are promoted in such a way as to encourage behaviors contrary to family formation to a broader part of the population, creating social contagions, or where a sexual orientation, unchecked, leads to the abuse of the innocent. Most certainly, as monkey pox has recently demonstrated, gay orgies are degenerate because ultimately they lead to enough disease spread for it to jump into unsuspecting unrelated communities.

Naturally, any form of sexual engagement with pre-pubescent kids is child abuse. This form of engagement almost always aims to have children question their own sexual identity long before they even have sexual feelings of a substantive nature, which can only do psychological harm. But that is entirely the point. Remember, a person whose reproductive fitness has been compromised is more likely to become a constituent of the left.

Although not all homosexuality can be traced to underage sexual abuse, a great deal of it can be. As you’ll recall from earlier, use of pornography can cause men to become impotent with real women. It turns out that males are pretty easy to imprint into various sorts of paraphilias. Men far outnumber women as having various fetishes. So if a boy’s earliest sexual experiences come from sexual abuse, the result can be an orientation that otherwise would not have happened. The same might also occur due to abuse from a step mother.

We also live in an era with pollution filling us with hormone analogs such that sperm quality and testosterone are dropping so rapidly that if something isn’t done, by 2050 we will only be able to reproduce through artificial interventions. It’s so bad, it literally threatens the survival of all humanity. Don’t you wonder why you aren’t hearing about that on the news?

Women aren’t faring much better, with the prevalence of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), which includes high testosterone, anovulatory infertility and obesity among its symptoms, affecting as many as 20% of women, and rising.

Many of the “butch dykes” you see are women with severe PCOS.

And that is just hitting two pieces of “low hanging fruit” pertaining to pollution mediated hormonal issues that can and do affect people’s range of sexual response. That doesn’t even address how vulnerable people can be to various forms of social conditioning.

Consider that, today, a white kid in school is taught from day one to be ashamed because of his collective guilt for slavery, imperialism, yada yada yada. Dose him up through environmental pollution with endocrine disruptors, give him a single mom whose heterosexual behaviors cause him stress, and then put a teacher in front of his class who says that as a straight white male, he should be ashamed, but if he were gay, or trans, or non-binary he could escape that moral debt. Give him an attention-seeking mother who secretly hates his father … and you have a kid on puberty blockers “in transition.” And once a kid has been pushed down that path, they will be forever dependent upon the Cathedral and part of its natural constituency.

It’s a testament to human resilience that we don’t have even more kids identifying as non-heterosexual, although the phenomenon of social contagion has served to create an explosion in “trans” kids.

Although I am not an expert on the topic, I believe a great deal of (the relatively rare) lesbianism prior to the modern age occurred as a result of abuse such as rape. I believe that the homosexuality that occurred prior to the modern age was likely a result of epigenetic changes when the mother carrying a child simply delivered the wrong mix of estrogen and testosterone to the developing baby. This changes the way the brain is wired and develops.

Although these causes still exist, and would be part of the 4% estimated under the Obama administration, the relative explosion in non-heterosexuality we are currently seeing above that percentage is a combination of social factors, broken homes, the Cathedral pushing it non-stop, pollution, and the same general despair that has so many people dying now from overdoses and suicides, or taking psych meds daily. Being some form of non-heterosexual now gets you “points” and opportunities within the Cathedral that would otherwise not be available.

So, what I am getting at here is that non-heterosexual people not only exist, but are being created both through environmental pollution, the occasional epigenetic error in utero AND the combination of dysfunctional nuclear families, child abuse, sexual abuse and teachers/social workers/public administrators pushing it as part of the Cathedral’s agenda.

Some of these people have little choice, or feel they have little choice, about their sexuality. Often, it was chosen for them either in the womb, or via some very nasty adults and it has reached a point of no return. And, in reality, non-heterosexual sexuality can be pretty miserable. Even “transitioning” a “trans” person shows zero efficacy at reducing the pervasive incidence of suicide in that population.

Incidence of substance abuse and suicide is also much higher among non-heterosexuals. According to CDC statistics, and this is an average, so there are of course outliers, the average homosexual has thousands of sex partners in his lifetime, and a dramatically elevated risk of contracting everything from epidemic cholera to HIV. To me, this sounds absolutely horrifying, like torture and being sent to hell on earth.

And lesbians suffer domestic violence with their partners at a higher rate than heterosexual couples, combined with the miserable phenomenon of “lesbian bed death,” where they end up utterly sexless. No wonder they are so unhappy.

These are not circumstances that should be wished on anyone. Just by virtue of, in most cases, being downright miserable, they are a ripe population for the Cathedral to “serve.” Likewise, many are not very self-aware, and as Aesop’s Fables pointed out – misery loves company. As a result many of them try to spread their misery around. I am reminded of the lesbian couples I have seen in the news who adopted male children just to “transition” them, or of HIV+ individuals knowingly spreading their disease. And with the Cathedral increasingly putting the most miserable of these people into positions of authority, the results are predictable.

But before I get to how the Cathedral serves this population, we need to discuss it’s agenda.

The agenda

The Cathedral is not monolithic. You can think of it as composed of various interest groups that have some common interests, and some divergent interests.

Agenda 1: Suppress Competition

Structurally, you can think of the top, composed of rather dubious “elites” utilizing the bottom to squeeze the middle.

Those groups at the top – oligarchs, special interests and so forth – are scared shitless of the middle. There is no qualitative difference in terms of ability between the middle and the top. In fact, the middle contains brilliant scientists and engineers, most of whom are highly socially capable people as well. The difference lies entirely in opportunity and access. So one of their goals is to prevent anyone from the middle who has the capacity to threaten their positions from having the opportunity or access that would put them in a position to make policy or challenge their narratives.

This is the real goal of affirmative action policies. A black gay Latina communications major with an IQ of 110 whose entire social status is dependent upon their favor does not present a risk to them. A white straight male engineering major with an IQ of 145 presents a very substantial risk. So the black gay Latina gets into Harvard or Yale, while the white straight male does not, and therefore never makes the social connections needed to put him on a track to power.

Unz review, which is run by a Jewish man, did an analysis of Ivy League admissions, demonstrating that non-Jewish white people, even those who are eminently qualified, are systematically excluded, and that the over-representation of Jewish people in these positions cannot be explained by differentials in intelligence or diligence.

Of course, all of the degeneracy mentioned earlier wreaks havoc on families in the middle. Among those at the top, divorce is actually quite rare. Stable families are understood to be a necessity for wealth accumulation, so even if cheating or whatnot is going on, they typically soldier through. Divorce in such cases only happens when something such as Elliot Spitzer’s penchant for hookers makes the news and results in extreme social destruction of one of the spouses. Otherwise, they keep their problems and arrangements quiet, and present outwardly as a happy couple.

Families in the middle are hurt the worst by delayed child rearing, high taxes, high housing prices, delayed marriage, divorce, the marriage strike and so forth. Children raised without their biological father in the home tend to have worse educational outcomes than they’d otherwise have. And thus degeneracy aimed at the middle – normalizing hookup culture, convincing kids that they are trans, normalizing cheating and divorce – pretty much guarantee a kid can’t be home schooled or sent to an elite private institution that will fast track opportunity. So spreading degeneracy across the middle suppresses its existence altogether, makes it less stable, suppresses the achievement of its children and just overall makes it far less of a threat while also moving many of its members, due to trauma, into one of the dependent bottom classes.

Another technique that is used is, to put it frankly, blackmail. Some people in the middle wish to hitch their boat to the top in order to curry favor and promote themselves. Most elite bureaucrats and many members of legislatures fall in this category. The whole deal with Epstein – and we can be certain he is only the best known instance of this, but far from the only one – is to have proof of these middle players doing something untoward that can be used to assure their loyalty. So anytime their campaign promises or oath of office conflicts with the agenda of the top, it is this latter agenda that wins.

The bottom is composed of various groups, such as those aforementioned, who depend on the favor of the top to have social status or abilities they otherwise could not have in a free country that was not controlled. This could range from the IQ 105 teacher having one of the most generous retirement plans of any worker, to a gay man who wants to have the government subsidize his HIV treatment. And among these are a fair number of people who are just plain envious and too stupid to realize that the reason they don’t have what the middle has … is because they don’t deserve it.

One of the slickest tricks in the world is for the top to convince the bottom that its plight is due to oppression by the middle. Most often today this takes the form of blaming “white people” for pretty much all evil. Although this is in some cases just a convenient way of, again, attacking the middle (because the middle is very white), for certain members of the top, specifically organized Jewish interests, there is actually a specific desire to eradicate white people just as a matter of principle. I have written about that elsewhere, and won’t expand on it here. But it’s an aspect of the agenda that can’t go unmentioned.

Agenda 2: Resource Control

Sex is one of the most powerful human drives, and choices made in sexual behavior have profound implications as previously discussed. But at an individual level, for many people, sexual aspects of their lives can become all-encompassing. And all of the attention we pay to sexual issues and relationship dramas, as important as they can be, diverts us from more insidious moves.

There is a general belief of resource depletion among the globalist movers and shakers. Their biggest concern is to make sure “useless eaters” don’t squander the resources that they and their own offspring need. Just to be clear, to them, YOU are a useless eater. Anyone who is not them, and is not among their more direct servants, is just biomass that needs to be reduced or controlled.

So the UN’s “Sustainable Development Goals 2030” looks an awful lot like the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” and Larry Fink of Blackrock’s “Environmental, Social, Governance” investing. The correspondence between these things, often word-for-word, is not at all a mistake. And they all aspire for us to “live in ze pod und eat ze bugs” so we use the least possible resources so that the globalists will have all that they want.

Obviously, since all aspects of degeneracy ultimately reduce reproduction while also making people less capable of seeing the manipulation, or resisting it … all forms of degeneracy are promoted.

Agenda 3: Increase profits despite a decreasing population

For a long time, first the break-up of extended families as people traveled to find employment and then women going to work and finally the actual breakup of nuclear families served to increase profits. Extended families living close together share a lot of resources, and as a result, they buy less stuff. When people move further apart, they all need to buy lawnmowers. A nuclear family with one worker only needs one car, whereas if both adults are working, two cars are needed. (Along with two work wardrobes.) An intact family might own only one television, but if there is a divorce, then two televisions are sold.

But in all the places with the greatest globalist influence, these sorts of policies (and others cited elsewhere) have resulted in declining population. So how, in the face of a population that isn’t replacing itself, can you guarantee increasing profits?

Obviously, reversing the bad policies that cause the decline cannot be on the table, because of agenda 2 described above. Replacement migration has been tried, but with minimal success because the replacement populations are often not net contributors. So how can this be fixed without creating a population boom that would threaten both agenda 1 and agenda 2?

Carbon credits. Right now, as crazy as it sounds, Tesla makes most of its profits, NOT from selling cars, but instead from reselling carbon credits. When you consider that carbon credits are a purely fictional invention, the fact that someone can make billions from selling them is inconceivable. But carbon credits will serve to continue transferring wealth to the oligarchy in the face of declining populations. For an excellent explanation of how this mechanism will work, see this video:

A major aspect of the whole “global climate change” agenda is to justify the roll-out of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and WEF’s Environmental, Social and Governance agenda. Key aspects of both of these are digital ID tied to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Through digital ID tied to CBDC, central planners will be able to track – and control – everything you buy and sell. Used too many carbon credits visiting family over the holidays? Oh well, I guess you just aren’t allowed to buy any meat for the next month.

The whole carbon-credit economy combined with CBDCs will allow existing players to continue jacking up profits and explicitly control spending for their benefit while simultaneously exercising iron-fisted control of both the spending and movement of populations. Basically an oligarch’s wet dream.

And if there is one thing that constitutes a “luxury item” that will be absolutely tied to that system, it is anyone with a dependency based on sexual degeneracy or abuse. (For example, transgender individuals dependent on a non-stop supply of hormones, single mothers dependent on government handouts or HIV+ individuals dependent upon multiple drug cocktails to stay alive.) They are the perfect citizens for the oligarchy because they are easily distracted by sexual matters, and desperately need ongoing medical interventions or other support.

Resisting Degeneracy is Critical

There is little to be done for most people already caught in the degeneracy traps, mainly because their own self-image won’t let them back-track. In many cases, the on-ramps to degeneracy are subsidized, but the off-ramps are costly with no support provided.

Often, the damage done to an individual by degeneracy is irreversible.

Many people caught up in the transgender fad who try to “detransition,” discover that they are permanently sterilized and that while their “transition” was paid for, their de-transitioning (such as re-feminizing the voice of a biological woman who has injected testosterone) costs more than they could ever afford.

A woman who has kids from baby daddies will often have incredible difficulty securing a relationship with a good man in the future, and if those kids are of mixed race it is pretty near impossible. Though exceptions exist, they are quite rare.

A man who gave into the excitement of “life is short, have an affair” (the slogan of a popular cheating website) will ultimately be caught by his betrayed wife, only realizing too late that there is no repairing the damage done to his marriage, and that homeschooling will now be impossible. His children will now become products of a broken home and dramatically more vulnerable to everything from the predatory “non-binary” teacher to drug abuse.

Resisting degeneracy starts with the decisions we personally make, and the example that sets for others.

As I described in a previous article, it is our adherence to obligation that provides us with resilience and freedom.

Degeneracy of any type is not fun and exciting. Rather, it is a path – and very often a one-way path – to despair for ourselves personally. If it doesn’t lead to our barrenness outright, it most certainly leads to reduced opportunity for our kids, making them even less resistant to degeneracy.

Yes, absolutely, gay orgies are degenerate. And everything that leads to those, including everything from hormone analogs in our environment all the way to child abuse should be eliminate from our environment as much as possible.

But we often have a great deal of power over our personal environment and our personal actions. And it is here where we have the power, right now, today, to start our own revolution right under the noses of the oligarchy simply through an affirmative personal commitment to honorable lives and deeds.

Degeneracy is the lifeblood of our enemies, and denying them sustenance starts with ourselves and our families. Before we can act in areas where we currently have no power, we must first empower our natural communities by acting in the areas where we DO have power.