What Is Golden Dawn North America?

The Golden Dawn North American Chapters stand in support of the ideas and goals of the Golden Dawn Party in Greece, which received over 400,000 popular votes in the 2012 elections and currently has 18 representatives in the Greek parliament. Recent polls have placed the party 3rd nationwide with a positive opinion of 22%! That is almost 1 in every 4 Greek that has sympathy for the party now.

The Golden Dawn is the only political party in Greece that unapologetically stands for the sovereignty, security, and dignity of the Greek people. The party intends to reverse decades of unlimited third world immigration which has brought crime, unemployment, disease and possibly terrorism to the once peaceful Greek cities. We stand with the Greek people who have been driven to poverty and despair by the imposition of the genocidal IMF and European Union austerity policies that are decimating the population and turning Greece into a slave state.We want Greece to stand up for the rights of its people, the promotion of its culture, and the assertion of the interests of oppressed Greek minorities in countries like Turkey and Albania, including the immediate declaration of its exclusive economic zone in the Aegean and Ionian Seas to fully exploit their recently discovered natural gas resources. The political parties which have been in power the last 30 years have brought upon this calamity and still offer no real solution, only more problems.

Our goals are to promote and support the Golden Dawn’s nationalist ideals and vision for Greece among the Greek diaspora. To preserve our European culture, we must resist and overcome the genocidal multi- culturalist, and anti- Hellenic agenda of the New World Order. The unholy alliance of the bankers, media, corrupt politicians and the educational system are rabidly attempting to extinguish all traces of Hellenism- past, present and future through poverty, historical revisionism, media distortions and third world immigration.

The Golden Dawn is the only party that truly recognizes the problem and has the solution. Internationally, the party has gained massive support. In just 4 months offices have opened up in Melbourne, Montreal and New York. We are proud to announce that we are on the verge of opening offices in Chicago, Stamford, and (right in the heart of Greek town) Toronto! This would not have been possible without the great support from the Greek communities in these cities. We will continue our efforts 24/7 to make our party the top party in Greece. We will never stop until the greatest leader since Ioannis Metaxas, Mr. Nikos Michaloliakos becomes Prime Minister of Greece.

We intend to bring a new Golden Dawn for Hellenism and all of Europe!


The Golden Dawn North American chapter supports all U.S. Laws and respects the Constitution.
