Taxpayer Brings Lawsuit Against Governor Nikki Haley Over Muslim Refugee Plan

At this point we are past simple debate. More serious actions should have been taken sooner. These primadona, dime-a-dozen governors who would allow their states to become breeding grounds for bio hazard bipeds clearly have aspirations to join the global club of nation killers.

More people should do this…

Walter “Brian” Bilbro, a husband and father of two, has filed a Lawsuit naming Governor Nikki Haley, The South Carolina Department of Social Services (SCDSS), Lutheran Services and World Relief of Spartanburg as Co-Defendants. The allegations in the lawsuit seek equitable and other relief to stop the State 2016 Refugee Resettlement Plan.

Simply put, he wants to prevent the state from settling any more refugees or asylees until a full accounting of the Federal, State, and County monies being allocated for this program are fully investigated.

He alleges in pleadings filed by Attorney Lauren Martel on February 12 case #2016-CP-40- 00918, that the Defendants are placing he and his family in imminent risk, personally and economically. The placement of refugees and asylees into Richland County where he has vested interests, and in other areas in South Carolina are concerning. Those concerns are supported through documentation from several expert witnesses that give credence to Bilbro’s decisive move to bring legal action against his own Governor, State Agency, and the non-profits involved.

In addition he seeks to stop the use of Family Court being used by asylum seekers as a way to circumvent the vetting process as it encourages border smuggling of children and further criminal acts. According to an expert witness in the case, Jessica Vaughn, Center For Immigration studies, Affidavit, Page 2, states,

Federal sources, including Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE) indicate that the majority of new illegal arrival from Central America, including the unaccompanied minors, are not coming to seek safe haven from persecution or civil war (the legal definition of a refugee) but to join friends and family already here in the United States (usually without legal status).

It is widely acknowledged that the families of most, if not all, of these minors have contracted with smuggling organizations to bring minors to the United States. The smuggling organizations understand that the minors will be taken into Federal government custody and then delivered safely to their destination by federally-funded resettlement contractors. The minors are coached on what to say to U.S. authorities and how the process works.”

Vaughn continues,

The government and its contractors do not conduct background checks on the individuals who volunteer to serve as sponsors for the minors. Claims of family or non-family relationships rarely are authenticated with verifiable documentation, such as original birth certificates, DNA testing, or other means. The establishment of relationships is essentially done through the honor system.”

What is chiefly being used to verify the migrants is the honor system. This vetting process for the unaccompanied minors sounds eerily similar to the one applied to refugees from Syria and other terrorist nations who will be admitted in the thousands this year, according to many legislators who are asking anywhere from 65,000 to 100,000 within the next few years.

Interestingly, Gov. Haley was quoted in August 2015, as to her reasoning behind not wanting GITMO detainees in SC. She said,

We are absolutely drawing a line that we are not going to allow any terrorists to come into South Carolina. We are not going to allow that kind of threat. We’re not going to allow that kind of character to come in…This is a slap in the face to the people in South Carolina who have sacrificed so much for this country… To turn around and say that you are going (to) put these terrorists in our backyards.”

In my opinion, this is in essence what the Refugee Resettlement Program does. If the highest intelligence officers in the country, FBI director Coomey, and Defense Intelligence Agency director Stewart say that the Syrian refugees cannot be vetted, and that ISIS will attempt direct attacks in 2016, respectively, prudence would demand a halt to the program that settles immigrants from a country riddled with terrorists.

In addition, the refugee and asylee program of SCDSS not only potentially involves child smuggling, drug smuggling connections, and national security risks, but is unsustainable economically according to expert Paul Sutliff, author and researcher. Sutliff states in Affidavit-Sutliff, page 5,

The South Carolina Plan does not address who pays for those who after 12 months have had their status mandatorily adjusted to Permanent Resident Alien. This cost is necessarily passed off to the South Carolina taxpayer.”

Mr. Bilbro, in my thinking, is doing the only thing left for him to do when faced with legislators who do not listen or vote in ways that would protect American citizens. In fact, after reading this lawsuit, I conclude that any legislator or elected official who isn’t actively seeking to stop the Refugee Resettlement program fails in their Constitutional duty to protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for their constituents.

To see the clear and present danger it presents, as well as the economic burden placed on the backs of hard-working citizens and to continue leading Americans into harms way is grounds for a lawsuit.
