The Great Task

“Mightier than the tread of marching armies is the power of an idea whose time has come.” — Victor Hugo

by Frank Roman

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Merry Christmas and Happy Yuletide, my friends.

During our most recent podcast we discussed how and why the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama signaled a host of impending consequences white Americans are going to have to face in the near term. We talked about how relatively easy it was to foresee the coming election that was pimped and pushed by the well funded, media supported non-white coalition that openly hates white America and want to see her broken, how Mr. Obama best represents this coalitions vulpine reflection of ideology, of race, and how he shares their intuitive hatred–and in some cases self hatred– of European Americans.

Of course the same questions and concerns were justified as recently as 2009.

In February 2009 The Atlantic posted an online ‘State of the Union’ piece which asked a provocative question: Is this “The End of White America?” The lead-in to the article reads as follows:”The Election of Barack Obama is just the most startling manifestation of a larger trend: the gradual erosion of “whiteness” as the touchstone of what it means to be American. If the end of white America is a cultural and demographic inevitability, what will the new mainstream look like—and how will white Americans fit into it? What will it mean to be white when whiteness is no longer the norm? And will a post-white America be less racially divided–or more so?

Well, I believe we can answer the last question quite easily. Yes, we are more racially divided and its only going to get worse, much worse. In fact its so bad now there is barely a day that goes by without more news of a black on white hate crime, more news of keeping our southern border open to the Third World, more propaganda telling us how Old (white) America was utterly crushed by the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama.

We, as a minority, a racially aware subset of men and women, we who have eyes to see and ears to hear must form the vanguard today of what will follow us long after we’re gone, a new nation of people on a more solid basis. We must now plan ahead. Ending the integration and destruction of our nation’s founding race will now have to be a top priority since our declining numbers are a matter of public record.

A blogger whose initials are GJ wrote the following: “We can’t beat the system now. But I know with absolute metaphysical certainty that the system is going to break down. Nothing lasts forever, especially a society that violates all the laws of nature. I don’t know when the system will fail, but it will almost certainly be within the lifetimes of most of the people reading this.” — G.J.

Therefore our Great Task is as follows: As possible, we must consider the raising of children needed for our kind to continue; newborn children or very young children who have not been corrupted by the filth and racial degeneracy issuing from Hollywood, New York and Washington DC. It will be them to whom we must now transmit our ideas, beliefs, and convictions so that our people will positively participate in something entirely new and of their own making. What I am talking about is: “the transmission of ethnic, folk and spiritual traditions; separation of gender roles; the establishment of organic, hierarchically organized communities “from the family to the folk”; matching of duties to rights; the prestige of the warrior caste; and the definition of peoples as “communities of destiny” rather than as masses of unconnected individuals.”–Guillaume Faye: Archeofuturism

Of course, not just any parent is able to carry out Our Great Task. Certainly not the brainwashed, consumer driven, mall walking, sports watching trendy kind of people we see everyday and hear about from the systems information organs, for they arecasualties waiting to happen.

The kind of people we need for this Task is what I call a Remnant, that is, a subset of our demographic who is fully educated and awakened, who understands the dire predicament we are facing; who has read the handwriting on the wall and knows in their heart of hearts the future our folk have to face will be unjust and terrible. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Will the new Afro-Chicano Spanish-speaking majority give your descendents the same legal protections, racial preferences and subsidies that Hispanics and African-Americans receive today? Not very likely. And that’s just for starters.

Now I cannot pretend to be a parenting expert. I am not, and I don’t care to interfere in the way you are raising, or plan to raise, your family. And I certainly don’t want to come across as some New Age crackpot, either. I also don’t mean to seem patronizing or unsavory, but I do think that it is time to quit making excuses that claim the kind of moral reservations that get in the way of progress. And if I step on some toes, get over it. What I do know at this point is 1) all parents raise their children differently; 2) something drastic needs to be done if we are to survive as a people in the coming decades and into the next century. 3) There is no one-size fits all master plan to parenting racially aware white children, so relax and enjoy what you do with what you know.

Of course, if you at least partly agree with us, that white Americans are in danger of becoming a cornered minority in the coming decade, with all of the attendant persecution, political correctness, and the pursuit of the lowest common denominator, and you don’t have any children we think you’d better seriously consider it.

Perhaps you are a bit shocked that I would present such an idea: that we must now deliberately, and– with preservation aforethought–consciously raise children who will literally guarantee our people’s continued history longevity and most especially our advancement. Well, don’t be. The contemporary system and all of its enablers is not going to respond to us as a bloc, not the way it does for non-white pressure groups and lobbyists. By their works ye shall know them, as the saying goes, and what we now know about the way the system works is unambiguously clear. White Americans as a viable group are not in the evil elites’ cards, except for tax dollars and a population willing to play by their rules, of course. Looking ahead, plotting a course like the great explorers of our kind is now our mission.

Indeed, the RE-election of a black Marxist in 2012 by a degraded population, both of whom hold nothing but contempt for European Americans is the tipping point that says the Constitution and Bill of Rights, having worked well for a time, for our people, is no longer relevant to us. Neither is our ability to redress the government for grievances past and present. In fact, go ahead and write a letter to your representative and express these concerns. See what kind of response you receive.

Therefore, your duty is to instill in our heirs the unassailable fact that the healthy progress for our Folk does not lie in Washington DC., all the way down to their local branches of government, for those local members are mere tentacles of the Kraken on the Potomac.

Instruct them instead to practice Natures iron laws, because there really is nothing that says they cannot cooperate in a constructive ethical and moral fashion with their own race in order to see it prosper. It will be incumbent upon you to instill in them that there is no man made law that applies to them in this regard, no law that says they CANNOT build maintain and improve an exclusively European / European American nation of people, regardless of where the borders are drawn–or not.

By raising your children with an eye on the future, with a strong consideration of the group balanced with individualism, a truly loved child will easily claim their own self respect and will quickly recognize not only who truly loves them, but will genuinely love in return. With pride and affection teach them that evolution demands we are to have children in order to pass on our genes, hence the feeling of pride and validation they will get when they see their own features reappearing in the next generation. Not only will they love you for it, but by extension they will also love their people.

Moreover, tell them not to allow setbacks to derail their efforts by not allowing negative people or negative responses to deter them, to learn from life’s experiences, to try and become better. They, our heirs, must be willing to learn and be open to ideas. But they have to stay focused on our goals, which will ultimately be their goals; the health and longevity of OUR people. Teach them now so that when they come of age there will be no mistake the civilization in which they will work and play will be theirs and theirs alone. No, it won’t be perfect all of the time, but it will be sufficiently beneficial
enough of the time in order to extend into the future the way a few of us have been responsibly trying to endure against tremendous odds. Assure them they will eventually get there in order to “make a break with the obsolete philosophy of progress and the egalitarian, humanitarian and individualist dogmas of modernity, which are unsuited to our need to think about the future and survive the century of iron and fire that is looming near.”–Guillaume Faye: Archeofuturism

While the system as we know it brainwashes our children to believe that all races and cultures are equal, the truth is diametrically opposite: Non-whites have proven in no uncertain terms they are beyond a doubt, unambiguously (and hopelessly) genetically different.

Prove to them the facts that “genetic differences exist and these genetic differences need to be preserved. These genetic differences do not result in inferiority or superiority because whether a given trait provides a survival advantage depends very much on the environment. But in order for humanity as a whole to be best adapted to whatever the future holds, preserving and encouraging difference and honoring ACTUAL diversity is the proper approach.” — John Young, EAU

Additionally, an invaluable lesson to bestow on your children of the future will be one of moral and ethical superiority: that it is they, and not the liberals progressives or squishy fake conservatives who are the true multi-culturalists, because it is they who will want each race and culture to survive and thrive albeit separately from them, as opposed to their enemies (who surely will follow them into the coming decades) who would like us all to amass into a tan colored “franken-culture.” The threat is no longer distant and theoretical. It is here.

To love their own people, to love their race as bestowed by Providence, and to seek the preservation of other races as well, will be a reflection of their souls cloaked in dignity.

Your responsibility will be to instruct your progeny to be racial and cultural Leaders, to take command at a moments notice on behalf of their people; to build structures of information dissemination, business and employment, economic power, lobbying, societal influence, and self-defense. Tell them why it is incumbent upon them to be the future of our people, to shape the future, to create the future in his or her image thus negating all of the poisonous modernity, political correctness, and the ever hardening soft tyranny of, moral relativism, and neo-Marxism which has stunted the advancement of their people.

There are profound implications here. While a majority of our people are neither virtuous or malevolent, they most certainly are morally neutral, which has advanced into the morality of surrender and death, thus poisoning their souls. Open your young charges eyes to understand that most peoples ambitions and conduct, including their moral choices, are not always put into play by a sense of right or wrong. Rather, many of our Folk conform themselves to their equally ambivalent peers behavior, and to whatever schlock the system induces them to believe. Help them to demonstrate that they must be the role models, the authority figures who must display what is best in our people. Then and only then will the attitudes and conduct of some of those around them conform to what is noble and great in our Folk, the best inclinations of their race. No, not everyone will get there, but a majority of them will reach for those qualities. They won’t all make it of course, but as they strive for those characteristics many will indeed reach them.

Additionally here:

“As the mainstream political parties are now effectively our enemies, it is necessary for us to (continue to) find strong, fearless leaders who are prepared to go to the wall for their people and for their principles. People who can take the abuse and infamy which will assuredly be heaped upon them by an infuriated enemy, who will not hesitate to use every possible insult and epithet to try to discourage them. And I am looking for such leaders to emerge from the intelligentsia of the White business and academic worlds, not from the multitude of groups and organizations to be found among the so-called “White Supremacists”. –

Among other valuable lessons you have to instill are a few basic ideas; that our heirs need sole ownership of those parcels of this nation, if not the planet, that make up a suitable home ground for them; that in order to capture and maintain that undivided ownership, they will above all else have to be prepared to violently crush and eliminate any and all challengers by whatever means necessary; that so-called “racism” which the statists and the neocons today accuse us of possessing is in reality a hard wired Gift from Providence, bestowed upon all races that instinctively want to survive. Racism, race realism, ethnic nationalism–or whatever you want to call it– is healthy congenital and indispensable.

“Decadence vaporizes peoples, frequently in the gentlest of manners. This is the reason why individuals acting as individuals can only hope to flee tyranny, but cooperating actively as a nation they can often defeat tyranny. –Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft: A sociological view of the decay of modern society.” –Alain de Benoist

So essentially, one aspect of the Great Task we’re looking for is a kind of meme influence, connected to each other through vastly larger, more complex, more enlightening networks of people; networks of thousands of folks, in fact. These links comprised of one people with the sole aim of ensuring the continuity and prosperity of their offspring will become in a way a living, breathing society that reproduces, that has a kind of “blood memory.” Understanding must flow through them with a purpose, an iron clad purpose begun by you no less against which their enemies will have no power whatsoever.Are YOU up to The Task?

Even in this Dystopian Age I and many others still sense an opportunity that must not be wasted; that we are on the verge of evolving into something new and better than what we were, than what we are, devoid of the system to which we waste our breath for assistance. This will potentially be our bloodless enduring triumph.

As Plato wrote: “…God proclaims as a first principle to the rulers, and above all else, that there is nothing which they should so anxiously guard, …. as of the purity of the race.”

Sometimes loyalty to greater principals, such as Plato’s, need not always be philosophically justified to the point ennui’, do they? The modern world will continue to be too insane to bother about “theoretic substantiation” of normal traditional duties for the vast majority of our Folk will continue to want to be entertained and “play along in order to get along”. Even today as we speak, there are tens of thousands of non-whites who, while appearing uninterested in THEIR own peoples welfare, nevertheless know in the back of their minds that all they have to do is encounter or make up a grievance and make a phone call either to some politically correct sheriff or they can locate the nearest chapter of a corresponding racial representative in order to punish an unlucky white person–something white Americans are implicitly not allowed to do.

Therefore, your children’s one duty, their one paramount goal will be to find and instruct the Remnant of white Americans who are ready for the hard work and sacrifice that will entail the preservation and elevation of their peoples civilization, to re-create a culture wherein creatures like THIS and THIS will be unwelcome and cast out to the nether regions of Dystopia with their regressive and vulgar kinsmen.

As for us now, members of EAU or whatever viable group you work for: stop making kitschy excuses in order to be genteel or prissy about our current racial quandary, especially with your offspring. Don’t be afraid to be uncomplicated and straight to the point when you teach your children about their coming responsibilities, no matter who doesn’t like it. Of course, on a tactical level we all will at the present time continue to “engage the system in order to change the system” for as long as possible in order to give ourselves the breathing room needed for our children’s long term futurist survival plan.

In the mean time if we want our people to endure on this planet beyond the next several decades, (unless our misfortune comes much sooner), then we have no choice but to clear our own minds and our children’s minds–those who are with us and those who are yet to come–of the hallucinations of politically correct fear and loathing; of media brainwashing, and urge them to face the facts without being dainty. Again, in our view: for all intents and purposes, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is in an unsustainable coma and I somehow can’t imagine a revolutionary ‘patriotic’ awakening anytime soon. Bur hope springs eternal. We shall see…

Because of this, as you commence our Great Task, keep in mind that there is still plenty of reason in the present to remain active, to abide a continuing education, and to stay armed.

Indeed, I hope this podcast is not interpreted as a signal to merely sit back and ignore the present; we are still obligated today to support the drive to compete with the system and win the hearts and minds of our people, to motivate them and inform them. You can be sure LaRaza, MeCHA, the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, The Southern Poverty Law Center, and a host of other anti-white enablers will not let up on their drive to utterly demonize, displace and corner European Americans.

The re-election of a black Marxist by a degraded electorate confirms every escalating destructive trend the so-called extremists have been trying to warn us about for decades.

But no one would listen, so it comes down now to this one Great Task.

We as a collective, a Remnant if you will, who constitute a people, who are “capable of restoring the ancestral values that inform ‘orderly societies’,” have a new civilization to build, starting today. Become a parent like no other; and you and me and all of us will live forever through our children, because all true reformers are incendiaries, bearers of light. It is the hearts, minds, and souls of their fellow-men which they will set on fire, and in so doing we will collectively perform The Great Task appropriated to us all in the wise order of Providence.

We all die, of course. But the goal — here and now — is not to physically live forever. The goal is to re-create something unique that will.

Thanks for listening
