Black Voting Block Issues Wish List to Obama

Apparently it’s not racist…’

According to a recent article in the Associated Press, in exchange for the loyalty of the black block-vote at the polls, pro-African-American ethnic activists are delivering a laundry list of “wants” to President Obama.

Though they are somewhat sensitive to the perception (as enunciated by Mitt Romney) that President Obama has bought minority votes with gifts, that hasn’t stopped them from using the value of their block vote as leverage to advocate for specific legislative agendas on behalf of their Folk.

In the wake of the election, Marc Morial of the National Urban League set forth the following agenda in a petition to President Obama, Speaker Boehner and Representative Pelosi:

1. Re-enact the “assault weapon” ban and vigorous enforcement of existing gun laws.
2. In the budget negotiations approaching the looming “fiscal cliff” increase taxes on the highest 2% of incomes to the tune of one dollar in new taxes for every dollar in spending cuts.
3. Create a jobs program that would be targeted to help African Americans. (Though he doesn’t use those words, that is the net effect of those words.)

African Americans are unafraid to directly involve their religion and politics, and Melanie Campbell reported that a big reason why President Obama won the critical state of Florida was the “Souls to the Polls” campaign in which more than 250 churches participated by marching their congregations to the polls.

When European Americans start doing this, and believe me it is coming, we won’t care if you call us dirty names.More
