Black Friday: Shades of Things to Come

If people are fighting like this over phones and televisions, it is quite easy to imagine how things are soon going to be when they are fighting each other over food and water for survival. Be ready.(See below fold)

Catastrophe looms in all the system’s domain’s, for it is as much threatened by its own entropy (in the form of social-racial disorder, economic crisis, and ecological degradation), as it is by more frontal assaults. This is especially the case with the global economy, whose short-term casino mentality refuses the slightest accountability. Accordingly, its movers and shakers think nothing of casting their fate to fickle stock markets, running up bankrupting debts, issuing fiat credit, fostering a materialistic culture of unbridled consumption, undermining industrial values, encouraging outsourcing, de-industrialization, and wage cutting, just as they remain impervious to the ethnocidal effects of international labor markets and the growing criminality of corporate practices.We can however avoid or at least minimize this oncoming catastrophe by acknowledging that inward refusal, that inward, spiritual independence of our environment. It has to be shared among enough like-minded people, becoming the basis of a new community. And then other things, more active and external positive things, may become possible as well.
