Nutcase Clearly Implies Using Term ‘Illegal Alien’ is a Hate Crime

When you want to control the thoughts of the populace you hate, label any type of idea coming from that populace you fear as hate. (NOTE: Feel free to use the words “illegal alien” as often as possible from now on. Thanks. ~ Ed.)

Xenophobia, for example, is a word created specifically in reference to Whites in order to criticize their innate sense of ethnocentrism; an instinctual survival trait hardwired in the brain. Contrary to this, the term “xenophobia” makes this sensible truth sound abnormal. As a matter of course overriding people’s ethnocentrism befuddles social engineers, who rely on indoctrination and reinforcement to advance their doctrine.

And to no one’s surprise ethnocentricism is not only a white “thing”. Even well-to-do blacks still prefer living in black neighborhoods, as exemplified by a report that found two-thirds of affluent black families in northern New Jersey were found to be living in mostly black neighborhoods near urban areas.

Well, I say good. That’s how it ought to be.

~Frank Roman, EAU
