Criminal Code Not Good Enough For ‘Gays’

That ‘redneck’ attitude has got to go, says he…

Although the police and Crown Attorney have disposed of this matter in what they consider to be an appropriate manner, this self-righteous ‘gay’ wants to take a second run at the other guy by taking the matter before the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

There will be no rules of evidence.  Intent, and the clearly-demonstrated remorse in this case, do not have to be considered as factors.  Anything in favour of the defendant does not have to be taken into account, and the case could be decided simply on the basis of ‘hurt feelings’.

I suspect the plaintiff will probably want big money and a grovelling, public apology.The fact that this matter has already been dealt with through the criminal justice system is of no matter because the plaintiff is dissatisfied with the outcome, and wants more…  after all, the criminal code does not address the issue of those pesky ‘redneck attitudes’!  Some social engineering and ‘politically-correct’ enforcement is required as well.

the rest HERE
