School Board Hears Textbook Excerpts of Anti-White Hate

THIS is part of the ideology that the LaRaza / MEChA  anti-whites are fighting to have included as part of grades 3-12 curriculum at the Tucson United School District. An idiot on the board decides to take offense at the woman reading excerpts (due to the cursing in the text) stating: “please watch the language, there may be children in here…” The irony being that it is taught to children!

Some of these excerpts are amazing, and simply verify what has been said over and over about racist Aztlan nationalism.

“The gringo has raped aztlan” “Hard Drugs and drug culture is the invention of the gringo because he has no culture” “My land is lost and stolen, my culture has been raped” “the colonial system of the anglo has castrated our peoples culture” “we have to destroy capitalism…5/6ths of the world has to unite to destroy capitalism to equalize peoples lives”

page 72 “radical shit” page 73 “bullshit” page 274 “chigando”

“today I have a message for all the people of aztlan…” “the schools are tools of the power structure that blinds our youth…”

Idiocracy. This is the new Aztlan, the culture Obama has been campaigning for, the people who are raised and educated by this propaganda.

I think it is safe to say that the people behind this textbook voted for Obama.

John Huppenthal (Arizona superintendent of public instruction) We will not forget how he handles this.The phone numbers are 602-542-5393 and 1-800-352-4558.
