Uniting Our People

‘You can still whisper the racial truth and change the world’.–Grey M.

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

In many of these Frank Roman Radio pod casts, we often find it necessary to urge people to join our parent organization European Americans United. That’s because we believe a motivated and fearless EAU chapter made up of informed courageous individuals can make a positive impact in their local area and thus benefit white Americans on the whole. Of course, this kind of undertaking is not without its risks. The elites hate you and believe you fit for slaves. And in a multiracial plantation they shall make you slaves, but only if you let them.

Nevertheless, the work of EAU has to be done.
During last months April 16th podcast we talked about the ongoing dispossession of white Americans due in large measure to immigration from the Third World, systemically promoted miscegenation, and the tragically low birth rates of our people. Specifically we talked about an April 4th report called ‘White Kids to be Minority by End of Decade. The report says in part: “White children will be outnumbered by ethnic minorities in America before the end of the decade…. Demographers had thought the swelling numbers of Hispanics and Asians meant they would take over by 2023. But having seen the latest statistics – and the change already taking place in schools and playgrounds – they are now convinced it will happen as early as 2019.”  

We go on to say: “Well, isn’t that good news? Demographers and other scientists are all in agreement that non-whites are on the verge of “taking over” America. In short, this piece is a summary of the 2011 Census report; and its telling you that in as little as nine years—NINE YEARS– your white child or children—provided you even have any—will be the new minority, the new enemy of the state, the new bad apple in the multicultural barrel. And how can I make the assumption that this new minority of European American children and future adults will be / is the new enemy of the state? Well, let me answer that question with another question.

Based on the immense power of today’s non-white ethnic advocacy groups, the cowardice of today’s politicians to sweep them away, and the blatant demonization of even the remotest strain of white awareness — will the new Afro Chicano Asian majority feel inclined to give our people the same legal protections, subsidies and racial preferences they themselves currently enjoy today? I hardly think so ladies and gentlemen.”

Indeed the rot is everywhere and once again—like you– I have seen it for myself.

A number of weeks ago an acquaintance of mine attended a (female) children’s beauty pageant with his wife and daughter and took some covert video of the event for me to look at, so I watched it. Although the majority of the attendees and contestants were white southerners there was a conspicuously high number of black / white couplings and biracial children. As I watched the video I marveled at the fact no one seemed to give a second look at this destructive trend manifesting itself right under their noses. Even the beauty pageant contestants reflected it, with a disproportionately high number of mulatto offspring vying onstage for a crown, particularly in the younger age groups. Conversely, the older groups of contestants tended to be more homogenous, which to me illustrated the future that was rising up and out of the younger group. Moreover, it was disheartening for me to notice the overall demeanor of much of the audience: witless, overweight and indifferent; a perfect expression of many white Americans at this time, casualties waiting to happen.

Another incident I personally witnessed: Just recently, following a work out at the gym, your host was resting in the locker room when I overheard a white teen trying his best to sound ‘ghetto’ to his black friend. He was saying he understood that his black friend stayed in shape because he enjoyed chasing “white tail” at school, at which point they headed out and yucked it up and like a couple of idiots. Before I left the locker room the words ‘hate crime’ bounced around in my head like a golf ball in a box car. You get the point. No doubt you are able to cite your own examples of the rot that permeates the hearts and minds of so many lost and vapid European Americans. Things are bad.

So what is to be done? How can we assure the continuity and well being of our people at this critical time—in light of the recent census predictions, in light of non-white ethnic groups’ stifling of free and open discourse, in light of a media and education system that defames and trivializes white Americans at every turn? While I am certainly not a sociologist, I do think part of the problem is that many of our people can’t overcome their own self interest when it comes to associating with a cause greater than themselves. While some whites can be convinced to embrace the idea that they’re working for the greater long term good, they nevertheless want to see visible short term benefits they can hang their hat on, with little to no risk I might add. In other words group altruism — or benefiting fellow group members at a cost to oneself; nurturing group opposition in the direction of individuals and causes that are deadly to one’s own racial faction — has become an alien concept to most white Americans. Moreover, they might feel sheepish, even stupid, to have suddenly realized they’ve crossed the Rubicon from narrow comfortable self interest to chancy long term group survival. What’s more, just because their mindset has changed does not mean their immediate environment has changed.

In turn this tends to become even more difficult as they endeavor to come to terms with the abstract foundations of a new kind of thinking; which requires physical action. As a matter of course, it then takes very little pressure (or denial of self) to make a number of detours away from their duty, and they soon become useless. I’ve seen it before and I’m sure many of you have too. And trust me there’s nothing more frustrating, especially for an organizer. It’s like herding cats. Some of these folks simply scuttle away never to be heard from again. Some of them thrive on drama and upheaval. Others like to talk up a big game and nothing more. Still others need to have their hands held.

In fact let me address those who have fallen off the racial bandwagon or who are wringing their hands, still wondering if they should “get involved”. But before I do let me say I cannot claim to be any braver, any sharper, or above anyone else in terms of what needs to be done to serve our people. What I do know however is I have the opportunity to address an audience collectively on these matters, and, in so doing have the ability to perhaps plant an idea or two into the minds of new listeners as well as expose our people’s plight in conjunction with many other branches of practical and rational European American activists and thinkers.

While some desire a direct confrontation with our ethnic and political enemies others believe nothing can be done to stop the juggernaut of demographic replacement. I understand that too. But keep in mind the wicked never rest; they cannot drop their guard for one moment and deep down they hate that. Those who would enslave us, those who would jump for black joy as the last vestige of whiteness was finally blended out of existence would be relieved, for they have to work day and night to sabotage even modest white identity. That’s because our kind of thinking flies in the face of their New World Order global citizen claptrap. They allegedly “monitor” sane legal and moderate groups (such as EAU) because they are aslo AFRAID; they have already made it known how much they loathe white Americans who have even a tiny bit of implied whiteness, a threat to their cosmopolitan authority. In other words they don’t want you or anyone else to see the falsehood that it requires the physical presence of visible minorities and/or foreigners in order to transmit ideas across cultures or (more ludicrously) for there to exist diversity of thought within a culture. Even a whisper of racial truth scares the living hell out of them; it also angers them; to which I say: good! That is a strategically healthy sign indicating their vulnerable soft underbelly: white American unity based on race and identity, a goal that must be pursued at all costs.

That’s why we believe a bottom up / below the surface roiling of the waters, an incited stirring of ethnocentrism, makes their job that much harder, more resistant to their ploys and their non-stop propaganda. But it is YOU that has to make this happen. Indeed, when the will of the people—OUR people– no longer corresponds to the beliefs of the media or the courts, we are left with little choice but non-violent rebellion in all forms–up to the very edge of tolerance. And hopefully it won’t become violent. But we’ll see; that’s just a chance we’ll have to take.
On that note I want to make it absolutely clear that no one here is telling you to lie down and be quiet when the going gets rough. No one is saying to adopt a non-confrontational attitude especially if you “see it coming.”

Like Christian Miller fluently wrote in the Occidental Observer on April 24th:

“Excoriate and humiliate any anti-White, especially one who is not White, foolish enough to make reference to “crackers,” “rednecks,” “honkies,” “White bread,” “White boys,” “White trash” (Jay Leno does this routinely) or any other term demeaning to White men or women.  Not only will this tactic instantly drain the credibility of the anti-White person, it will energize and inspire any observing Whites in the crowd to do the same thing in future opportunities.  It is extremely rare to find a White man fighting back against attacks on the White race, so seize every opportunity to demonstrate that it can be done from a position of strength and that it carries moral weight.”

I would also add (comment of an associate):’ if the social engineers don’t like the idea of whites organizing to defend their interests, maybe some of them should have thought of that before driving us into a looming minority through immigration policies, political correctness, and the kind of state backed hypocrisy Lenin would have smiled at.’

Therefore an effective pressure group is needed which treats the entire European American people as a permanent union; a union that at the very least frowns upon class-warfare or at best bans it outright. Our starting-point—your starting point– and the final goal is what pertains to the folk, that which makes every effort for a healthy economic and political order instead of the current two parties, so-called capitalist scam. After all great civilizations have been built by two races, White and Asian. Asian societies long ago decided to be closed to other races, and rightfully so.

Why shouldn’t European Americans do the same thing? 

The association of all resourceful persons of European derived blood and fortitude, whether or not a manual worker, scholar, executive, bureaucrat, musician, or intellectual, the congregation of all persons acting without remorse for one United European American nation out of all of the false divisions of the people comes down to one basic idea made visible in writing and in outlook: a nation comprised of European Americans permanently united.

But, like the April 4th report ‘White Kids to be Minority by End of Decade’ implied — which we cited for you above–time is short, and there is precious little of it to waste. Or, you can shirk your responsibility, do absolutely nothing, and watch it all go to hell.

Thanks once again for listening.
