A Southern Strategy: Phase One

“The long term goal is a White ethnostate in the South.”

Here at OD headquarters, the debate about the location of the White ethnostate has been raging in recent weeks.

I have argued in favor of a Southern ethnostate. Gregory Hood has been arguing the case for Northwest secession. After considerable reflection, I realized that this whole debate was analogous to arguing over how many angels are on the head of a pin.

We are splitting hairs over the details of a collective fantasy. The Southern homeland doesn’t exist anymore than the Northwest Republic. These email exchanges are a waste of time. The question of the Northwest vs. the South can only be settled by who takes action in the real world.

A Southern Strategy: Vanguardists vs. Mainstreamers

How would a Southern ethnostate emerge? I can’t see Harold Covington’s vanguardist strategy working in this region. Southerners have too much regard for “law and order.” Any violent uprising against the federal government would be instantly squashed with the support of White Southerners. We can rule out that scenario. It will never happen here.
If the South ever seceded from the United States, it would have to be done as a lawful exercise of state sovereignty. This would entail capturing control of a handful of Southern states and fanning the flames of “anti-government sentiment” to a critical breaking point. The ideal would be to force a major confrontation over “self-government” in which neutrals would have to choose sides.

White Southerners will never support a ragtag bunch of terrorist upstarts. If Southerners could be convinced that changing racial demographics will inevitably result in tyranny, humiliation, and the loss of their rights, in particular the right of self government, then it is conceivable that a significant fraction of them could be persuaded to take lawful action.

A Mainstream Movement

A successful White Nationalist movement in the South will have to take the “mainstream approach” to political power. We don’t have the time to sit around and wait for “the collapse” to solve all our problems. We are going to have to build a mass movement and organize and agitate to the point where we have the critical mass to break into the mainstream.

A Southern movement will have to ditch a lot of the esoteric baggage that floats around in White Nationalist circles. It will have to be explicitly White, pro-Christian, pro-Southern, and republican. This is the common thread that runs through all Southern organizations and connects them with a potential mass constituency.

