“The Way of No Way” and Taqiyah

by John Young

Many years ago, my father and I, who are both widely experienced martial artists, decided to create our own style. Every style of martial arts has its strengths and weaknesses; and none has ever proven definitively superior to others in all cases. But we felt that by systematizing a style from all that we knew in terms of philosophy, skills and training methods; we would arrive at something worthwhile.

Philosophy we felt was most important, as a sound philosophical foundation can be used to derive answers to questions that have not yet been asked.

In codifying the philosophy, which I won’t give in its entirety; we arrived at the notion that along with all of the other ideas and principles; to be truly effective and flexible, a martial art had to incorporate "the way of no way." That is, it could not be rigid. It has to adapt and flow to meet the challenges of its environment.

It is with this in mind that I’d like to expand a bit more on the idea of Taqiyah elucidated in my podcast on http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=8786.

Taqiyah, as discussed within our context, is not intended to replace current efforts at public activism. Rather, it is intended to augment by giving us one more tool in our toolbox.
The idea is to adapt and flow. When the enemy expands, contract. When the enemy contracts, expand. Be where he doesn’t expect you to be. Be loud and public. Sit right next to him in the boardroom without him ever knowing. Collect petitions door to door, contact elected officials, put up signs and more. But in a place where nobody knows what you believe, ever so subtly sow the seeds of doubt in the status quo with total plausible deniability.

The idea of Taqiyah is NOT that we should "hide our light under a bushel," but rather that we should allow our light to shine where it is to our advantage; and conceal that light when it is to our advantage.

Adapt and flow. The way of no way.

I have also seen some concern that by dissimulating, we would become more like those we wish to defeat. This is not true, as our context is very different.

Our enemies and those of our own people who have been bought, have slated our people for extinction. WE are not in the wrong here to wish to secure our very continued existence. It is those who would plot our demise who are in the wrong.

In a hierarchy of values, it is entirely permissible to undertake a lesser wrong in order to prevent a greater wrong.

I explored this idea in-depth in http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=156.

Our goal is NOT the destruction of other peoples and values; but rather the securing of our own existence and values. We would be perfectly happy with a win-win for all peoples.

But this win-win cannot be secured entirely by direct means when dealing with an entrenched enemy hellbent on your destruction. The enemy must be unseated FIRST before meaningful negotiation is possible.

And, keep in mind again, taqiyah is one tool in our arsenal. A powerful tool, but not the ONLY tool.

We have long advocated public activism and active engagement of the system for very sound reasons. These are extremely necessary for the achievement of our objectives.

But it is also necessary to deny the enemy his ability to focus on a target. That is the role of taqiyah.
