Brussels: The Joys of Diversity

Black and Middle Eastern “youth” are at it again.

The police in the Belgium capital Brussels had received scores of calls about the attack on a Bulgarian college student in the city’s metro on New Year’s Eve.

The information was reported Tuesday by the Belgium newspaper “Capital.”

(VIDEO OF ATTACK) On April 2, on the request of the police, media in Belgium showed a videotape with a recording of the vicious attack on the 22-year-old Lyuben at the “Porte de Namur” subway station and appealed to citizens who witnessed the incident to come forward.

The police chief reports that the calls have been very helpful and included concrete information about two of the assailants caught by the metro security camera.

Lyuben, an international law student at The Hague, had been in Brussels for an internship with the European Commission. On the night of the incident he had been with a friend inside the metro station, after the two did not make it on time to see the fireworks in downtown Brussels and decided to go home.

The young man had a camera on him and took pictures of the metro station. A group of other youth stirred a scandal because they did not want their picture taken. Lyuben apologized and showed them that he had deleted the pictures. Nevertheless he had been attacked and severely beaten. He lost consciousness and the group fled.

His friend tried to call a cab, but meanwhile another group, seemingly of African nationals, approached them and began beating Lyuben again. The perpetrators threw him over the railing to the train tracks and left. The young man survived due to alert passengers, who were able to pull him out moments before a train arrived at the station.

The investigation had not led to any suspects and arrests so far. Lyuben is still in critical condition.
