War on White South Africa

As hard as it is for stupid Westerners to believe, there was life before black majority rule.

Eugene Terre’Blanche, leader of the Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB) that seeks the establishment of a homeland for the Afrikaners of South Africa, was alone at his homestead over the Easter period, when two farmhands bludgeoned the 69-year-old separatist to a pulp with pangas and pipes. Based on hearsay – and their abiding sympathy for savages – news media across the West are insisting that the motive for the murder was a “labor dispute.”

This the oleaginous officials of the African National Congress (Mandela’s gang) must just love; they share with their admirers in the West a determination to ignore (and perhaps to encourage) the black onslaught against white South African farmers, or Boers (who happen to feed the continent).

Those of us who’ve been studying the systematic, race-based extermination of farming South Africa know too well the telltale signs of a farm murder. Without exception, Mr. Terre’Blanche and all 3,149 farmers murdered since “freedom” were slaughtered in ways that would do Shaka Zulu proud.

The brutality of the racially motivated murders of white farmers in South Africa, and, increasingly, of whites in general, is one aspect of these crimes. Mr. Terre’Blanche was unrecognizable. Two weeks before he was slaughtered, 17-year-old Anika Smit was raped, her throat slashed 16 times and her hands hacked off and removed from the scene.

Both acts of butchery were unremarkable in Mandela’s South Africa.

