You Can’t Win A Rigged Game

Tonight BNP leader Nick Griffin made history yet again, braving a, the BBC was forced to live up to its own charter and allow Griffin to appear, despite demands at the ministerial government level that he be censored. As it was, Griffin faced down a hostile panel of politicians and a mendacious host. One of the panellists, Labour government minister Jack Straw, was hammered by Griffin after Straw, who is Jewish, lectured Griffin on “Nazism.” Griffin pointed out that while his own grandfather served in the Royal Air Force defending Britain in World War II, Straw’s own father was in prison for refusing to fight Hitler. Outside, police battled leftist thugs, and three officers were injured.


The simple fact is you can’t win a rigged game.

When the whole panel, the whole audience and the host of the show are rigged to attack just one person, then they cannot win the game.

Therefore the strategy as regards playing the game is to simply exploit the publicity and to allow the real extremists demonstrate to the public just who they are.Three police officers have been injured tonight outside the BBC building.

There have been yet again public order arrests.

Yet the only person who has remained calm, reasonable, able to take the abuse and give it as well as take it – has been Nick Griffin.

He has been the rock in the centre of the storm.

People will have noticed that.

The hysterical rants of middle class blacks in the programme against Nick Griffin which appear to be flourishing as clips on the news sites will repulse ordinary British people.

Middle Class Blacks playing the race card whilst white working class communities are mired in inter-generational poverty, is not going to win over the white working class.

The fact that middle class blacks in the UK still play the race card should be a source of personal shame for the ones that do – they should get a train to some of the Northern ex-mining towns where whites are forced to live like Native American Indians on reservations, and see what real poverty, alienation and social deprivation are.

The fact is such people would of course attack Nick Griffin – they would do wouldn’t they.

The day I see a naturalised British citizen of immigrant stock supporting immigration controls, removing illegal immigrants, an end to multi-culturalism and that British culture should replace multi-culturalism is the day I will believe in the myth of assimilation.

Such displays of contrived self serving hysteria by the exquisite metropolitans, multi-culturalists and middle class liberals will appeal to the metropolitan elite, but will repulse the real people of Britain.

Nick Griffin did not foam at the mouth.

He did not howl at the moon and bite the heads off of jellybabies.

He came out as the ONLY one with any integrity.

The British people don’t like bullies.

They always like the underdog.

Today we have seen the extremist thugs, the liberal establishment and the BBC rig the whole thing in order to try and reveal Nick Griffin as some insane, snarling, wolfman of monstrous fascism.

It failed.

All they have done is make him seem the only one who has kept his cool.

No Platform is now down.

We will of course now start to get more media exposure and therefore become better at media presentation.

Nick has had a baptism of fire that no other British politician in British political history has ever had.

He has walked out of that interview with his head held high.

Now comes the real revolution, the fact that No Platform means we can reach the people directly instead of having to go through the media.

That is where the real revolution will be – not in the TV shows of the BBC but wherever a crowd or meeting will gather to hear what we have to say.

The media have announced to Britain that we have something to say.

Now the people will want to hear it.

That’s when the real revolution begins.

This is just the first step forward.

We always knew, as the insane liberal idiots did, that no mass fascist uprising would occur.

A layer at a time all the lies of the liberals are being exposed.

This tonight was the start of the process, the first step on the path to power.
