Critical Consciousness

Screwball racial philanthropy could very well buckle under the weight of critical consciousness promoted in this era by the right people at the right time.

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

Today I want to talk to you for a moment about our people’s enemies. I want to comment on their despicable natures, their insolent behavior and their egotistical goals. And when I say “our enemies” I don’t just mean the (obvious) moneyed bigots who wield an inordinate amount of influence and power over public perception and law enforcement–such as utterly vile groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, The Anti-Defamation League, The ACLU, Americans for Democratic Action, the National Lawyers Guild and so on. I’m also talking about anti-white-behaving religious organizations like The National Association of Evangelicals working in tandem with the Jewish Funds for Justice group who both work night and day to import millions and millions of Third World “replacements” for our people ostensibly because God (or G-d) says it a cool thing to do. It is critical for European Americans to be conscious of this.

When I refer to our people’s enemies I also mean individuals whom only the dullest of our kind wouldn’t consider to be anti-white haters until you look at their works. Of course this includes media icons, most especially of the neoconservative stripe. Like the controlled opposition on the left they are all politically correct cowards. In reality they are fake conservatives and faux patriots. They toe and advance the multicultural party line as expressed by the likes of Tim Wise, Chris Matthews, and Noel Ignatiev—not to mention that empty suit in the White House. Media icons like Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and others often excuse themselves from talking openly about race and destiny by saying things like “Mexicans  need to assimilate” or “there is only one race the human race” and similar sounding tripe. They are just as responsible for the direction we’re headed as their controlled opposition on the left, but in their own minds they are moral and upright patriots. Naturally these rock stars have their share of brainwashed copycats many of whom are public private local and national persons of varying authority–or no authority at all, inside and outside of your own family. You probably know a few of them, too. And they are all beneath you.

Moreover, in the media icon’s minds and in their follower’s minds the idea that someone could be bigoted against whites rarely if ever occurs to any of them, and if it unavoidably does come up it is tsk’d-tsk’d, treated with brevity and then dropped. God forbid they stand up and defend European Americans as a specific ethnic group under siege. The obvious predicament then is that media big shots who hold the purse strings and their pundits, modern educators, and American voters promote the current lies about “racism,” that it only applies to white people. As a result, they further the idea—either through undecided bloviating or calculated hypocrisy– that bigotry and flat out hate can never be committed against white people by “persons of color.” Unlike the ADL or the SPLC the neoconservatives wouldn’t dare breathe more than a few words on the subject if it ever came up. Like I said you can spot them when you examine their “works”—or lack thereof. It is therefore critical for European Americans to be conscious of this.

So on one obvious level: while we have groups and individuals who have contributed nothing to the prolonged existence of this great nation’s founding people they will then turn right around and extol the virtue of homogeneous places like Japan or Mexico. In other words, China for the Chinese, Africa for Africans, white countries for everyone else. And yet they will demand complete integration for white Americans. This fact alone, in and of itself, tells us multiculturalists of all stripes have no fidelity to our people. You see, all of the media figures and cultist hate groups cited above have contributed nothing, and will persist in contributing nothing, to the achievements and long term posterity of our people’s continuation – which by extension is this grand European developed homeland. That’s because they ultimately have no greatness in them. They have no honor. They have no scruples. They have no vision. They are disrespectful of the European American people, maligning those who have come before us and those who have yet to come (warts and all – Ed.). How? Rather than explicitly praise the virtues of what makes America what it is, which is its founding people, they lump us together with Haitians, Mexicans, Africans and Arabs and then insult us with their approval of diversity, which is code for fewer white Americans.

On that point, fewer white Americans, while we can expect the anti-racist cults (cited above) to gin up fear and tension among the population by implying battalions of “white supremacists” are on the march–exploiting the actions of people true white advocates would never have anything to do with (but would most likely punish themselves)–the media darlings on the left AND the right barring an occasional spat have no compunction whatsoever sucking up to these equality cults. Because news and entertainment permeate everything, we and our children need to understand this kind of dangerous thinking, and we need to point it out as often as we have to, to whomever is listening for it to sink in. It is critical that you the listener ensure that a growing number of European Americans are conscious of who their enemies actually are and why they are enemies. But more importantly our kinsmen need to know who they themselves are by way of critical consciousness; the same kind of critical consciousness that brought YOU here.

But I do have good news and it is more tangible than hope. I’ll not leave this podcast on a pessimistic note.
You will have no choice but to agree with the closing paragraph of a piece written for the self destructing New York Times by hyper leftist race baiter Frank Rich. If you read between the lines you can smell their fear of our success. You will note they are troubled by a predilection that screwball racial philanthropy could very well buckle under the weight of critical consciousness promoted in this era by the right people at the right time.

Observe Rich’s concern:

“The one lesson that everyone took away from the latest “national conversation about race” is the same one we’ve taken away from every other “national conversation” in the past couple of years. America has not transcended race. America is not postracial. So we can all say that again. But it must also be said that we’re just at the start of what may be a 30-year struggle. Beer won’t cool the fury of those who can’t accept the reality that America’s racial profile will no longer reflect their own.”

I find it curious that Rich uses the 30 year time frame to layout the “coming struggle” since it will be 30 plus 4 years, 2042, that European Americans are allegedly projected by the Census Bureau to become the new ethnic minority, unless of course a new critical consciousness permeates society. And yes, Mr. Rich, America has not “transcended” race in spite of decades of the best efforts by your vicious alien colleagues and their ambivalent hangers-on. America is not post racial and was never meant to be post racial inasmuch as all non-white nations of the earth was meant to be. Indeed there is a gathering fury that beer won’t quench because more and more of the descendants of the founding race of this nation are refusing to accept the Frankfurt School initiative that “America’s racial profile will no longer reflect their own.”

People are now questioning their white self hate and trendy saps like Rich are worried. They are worried because more and more of our own demography are implicitly and overtly resisting defamation. We have to attack our enemies the way they attack us. We have to humiliate our enemies the way they have humiliated us, for we are now in the process of breaking into the vault of their programming secrets. Guilt, fear and humiliation are the origin and the motivation of all anti white racists –that is their Achilles Heel for what some call “baseline humiliation” tactics (HERE and HERE). And Lord knows self important neoconservatives and their controlled opposition on the left, whether in Washington DC or around your kitchen table, need a healthy dose of humiliation by way of your critical consciousness.

Like the British statesman Enoch Powell once said, “The discussion of future grave but…avoidable evils is the most unpopular and at the same time the most necessary occupation for the politician.” And I would add, not simply for the politician but much more importantly for you as well.

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