The European Elections and Nationalism

Most nationalists and conservatives will be very much aware of the significance of the new breakthroughs and understand the current leveling off of the older more established parties. Indeed they maintain a large grass roots presence and have the infrastructure in place to make further gains as the systematic crisis of the disastrous liberal experiments in multiculturalism and globalised economics reaches its peak.

Nationalism has been slowly but steadily gaining ground in Europe. Euro-nationalism is based on an opposition to the European Union political project, multiculturalism, mass immigration, globalisation and libertarian laissez-faire policies. Chiefly it builds on the growing alienation that the liberalised modern life has brought; the collapse of local communities, the destruction of traditions, unemployment, the attack on our Christian faith, culturally and spiritually, and the inadequacy of materialism and consumerism to fill the holes in ours lives.

People are fed up. The arrogance of the European establishment can be seen in the failure of many countries to give referendums on the Lisborn Treaty aka. the European Constitution as well as the fact they ignored the Irish and Netherlands ‘No.’ Instead they have called for another referendum to get the answer they wanted, ‘Yes.’ It is clear that the Christian Europe of nations does not want to become a globalised, multicultural Europe under a distant liberal political elite. Additionally the recession and banking crisis has exposed the greed and moral collapse in our societies with the mindless spending of money we don’t have on goods that are not needed coming back to haunt us, whilst the bankers are bailed out by massive government subsidies, subsidies that should have gone into rejuvenating local communities and small businesses.Today in European politics a mixture of liberal and culturally Marxist (stemming from the Frankfurt school) ideas dominate our institutions, government and establishment and through these the meaningless but almost fascistically dominant abstract ideas of ‘equality’, ‘diversity’, ‘racism’, ‘freedom’ have become the tenants of our new religion that would have us create a heaven here on earth. To many people the cracks in these utopian ideas are becoming more visible as the real ’stuff’ of societies is being abandoned; traditions, ethnicity, the family, spirituality, community, history and experience. Not all have given up on the concept of the nation-state, the concept in which our political traditions, our historical realities, our morals lie; the organic community forged by history, Burke’s contract between the living and the dead.

In addition to ideological threats the nation is also being undermined by the logical conclusion of liberal globalized capitalism. Many so called conservatives will often see libertarian free marketeers as the allies of nationalism. This could not be further from the case. As globalisation has become dominant the need for the free movement of cheap labour and goods as well as the destruction of ‘unprofitable’ national industries and our local commonwealth has meant that big businesses especially have given their utmost support to the liberal classes in their promotion of the individual as a consumer and economic figure without any spiritual or moral dimension. Nationalists and genuine conservatives have sought to offer an alternative which puts the more solid, healthy and long term concepts of thriving and interlocked local and employed communities at the heart of a European national revival with a capitalistic structure which serves the nation rather than nations that bow before the bankers.

In the recent European elections some nationalist parties made their first breakthroughs. In Britain the British National Party managed to gain two seats after a massive smear campaign against them. Like in the rest of Europe political correctness holds sway and no matter how moderated or professional one might be, if you question the holy religion of multiculturalism and equality then the media will use every weapon against you. Despite this, and despite another party, the United Kingdom Independence Party being buffed up as a ‘cul de sac’ alternative after the revelation that British Members of Parliaments from all the main parties had been fiddling and claiming immoral and unnecessary expenses, Nick Griffin’s British National Party still made the breakthrough it was looking for.

In Hungary, Jobbik, or the Movement for a Better Hungary also made a breakthrough securing three seats. In eastern Europe the recession is biting particularly hard and so the cracks are ever more evident. This can also be seen in Bulgaria where the National Attack Union gained two seats and also in Romania where the Greater Romania Party gained two seats. It is hoped that despite the differences between these nations these parties will be able to work together against the far greater threat, their own establishments who took them into the European political project.

The Germanic parties in the lowlands did particularly well. Geert Wilders Freedom Party in the Netherlands gained 17% of the vote with four seats coming second overall. Although in many respects a libertarian party, the Freedom Party is working to protect the Dutch political traditions and liberties against a massively growing Islamic population. This is the nation of course where film producer, Theo van Gogh, was killed by a adherent of ‘the religion of peace’ and Geert Wilders predecessor Pim Fortuyn was murdered. Geert Wilders himself has had several death threats against him after producing and airing a film called Fitna, warning of the dangers inherent in Islam itself. Islam of course means submission and Muslims are set to become majorities in the Netherlands, France and Germany in the next few decades, and the United Kingdom and others a few years later, all within my generation.

Additionally a party that has close links with the Freedom Pary is the Vlam’s Belang of Belgium, or perhaps more correctly put, of the Germanic Flemmish.  Unlike many national independence movements Vlam’s Belang is a genuinely conservative and nationalist party not willing to surrender a hard earned sovereignty to Brussels, multiculturalism or global capitalism. This contrasts with the ‘nationalist’ movements in the United Kingdom, for instance in Scotland where the Scottish National Party claims that anyone can be Scottish, wants to join the Euro and encourage mass immigration. Vlam’s Belang wishes for the secession of the Flemish, a national-ethnic group from Belgium, a state that is made up of the Waloons and the Flemish. It gained two seats and ten percent in the European elections and Geert  Wilders has pledged to support their cause.

It was good to see in Italy that Silvio Berlusconi openly reject a ‘multi-ethnic’ Italy (despite his Italian style corruption and admiration for young women) as well his taking in of the National Alliance, a national-conservative party. Rather like Japan, Italy has increasingly clamped down on immigration and taken a different line to the rest of the world. It perhaps goes to demonstrate the myth that one would be ‘cut off’ by other states if one was to adopt conservative policies. In the Italian European elections the secessionist Lega Nord did well gaining eight seats and coming third.

In Austria and France the long established and professional nationalist movements did not do so well. It is often said that at this stage nationalist groups can only gain a threshold percentage and no more. The Front National manged to retain three seats and is soon to be led by Jean Marie Le Pen’s daughter Marine Le Pen whilst the recently successful (in the internal Austrian elections) Austrian Freedom Party under the photogenic Heinz-Christian Strache maintained two seats.  Jorg Haider’s old party the Alliance for the Future of Austria gained five percent of the vote which combined with the thirteen percent of the Freedom party gave a significant eighteen percent to nationalist groups.
