Al Sharpton Show: Did Sarah Palin Do Something to Michael Jackson?

Twilight Zone revisited

Yesterday, NewsReal Blog  was obliged to revisit Al Sharpton’s history of disturbing, not to mention felonious, activities — none of which has prevented him from becoming and remaining one of the most famous men in American public life.

Most recently, of course, he wasted no time insinuating himself into the coverage surrounding Michael Jackson’s death; as reported here, Sharpton used his eulogy of Jackson to deliver another of his screeds against “racist” white America which was dutifully broadcast, without criticism, by the major television networks to an audience of millions.This week, however, a remark made on Al Sharpton’s radio show failed to make the news.

Radio Equalizer’s Brian Maloney snagged an audio clip of Sharpton’s July 6 broadcast, which featured this exchange with a surprisingly sane sounding female caller:

FEMALE CALLER (31:50): He (Michael Jackson) is truly the soundtrack of my life. I also have a theory about Sarah Palin as well and I’m going to put it out there on radio, hopefully someone can investigate.

But, I think maybe she did something to Michael Jackson. Maybe there’s a scandal there. Maybe she’s stepping down because something’s about to come out. I don’t know, but I’m gonna just put it out there on your show so we’ll see.

SHARPTON: All right, thank you for your call, Ashley. That’s interesting. I’ll put it out, we’ll see. I don’t know.

