EU Police State Plans Gulags for Thought Crimes

The new law will also be directed specifically at the Internet

by BNP News  

In yet which include ‘racism, incitement to hatred, apology, denial or trivialization of genocide’-punishable by up to three years in prison.

The announcement, made in last Friday and ignored by the world’s media, was made by the European Commission which said that member states have agreed to establish these penalties in their laws.

“It took nearly seven years of negotiations to achieve this,” said European Justice Commissioner Jacques Barrot.

“I welcome the introduction of strict and effective sanctions against these violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms which are common principles for European countries,” he added, ignoring the fact that freedom of speech is also a fundamental freedom, which he has successfully crushed.

While no-one would encourage hatred against anybody else, the law is clearly being framed in such a way as to become a catch-all for anyone who would dare suggest that European nations have a right to remain European.The new law will also be directed specifically at the Internet.

In what is obviously aimed at Holocaust Revisionism, the EU also intends to punish “the apology, denial or gross trivialisation of public crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the International Criminal Court.”

This will quickly turn into a prickly issue, as Turkey’s denial of the Armenian Holocaust will effectively criminalise that state as it tries to join the EU.

It is thus ironic that the EU, which claims to be anti-fascist, is in fact resorting to the very fascist tactics of denial of freedom of speech and arrest and imprisonment of people whose only crime is to think thoughts which they do not like.

What is next? The re-opening of Dachau for political dissidents? It seems not so far-fetched anymore.

* UKIP supporters should be aware that in January 2005, UKIP MEPs voted in favour of these originally-drafted laws in the European Parliament.
