South Africa’s Coming New Apartheid

by Lillie K.

Former President Jimmy Carter tried, with two other politicos, to visit South Africa, specifically Zimbabwe, for humanitarian aid purposes and the President of Zimbabwe (I believe it’s Mugabe) will not let them in.

People are dying in large numbers and I believe the article in the Houston Chronicle said 300,000 have cholera and the place is collapsing.  

Unfortunately, Jimmy Carter attributed the problem to ‘bad government.’  I guess even at his age, he still has to whitewash the true nature of the problem. There was no mention of the South African whites suffering at the hands of these monsters.  Surely, Carter knows about them but it’s possible he doesn’t. 

The remaining whites need to be evacuated and the place allowed to totally collapse. (In fact there are a number of major American and European cities in which this policy needs to be implemented. — Ed.)

I’ll bet the Chinese wouldn’t put up with this crap.  They wouldprobably recolonize, take no prisoners andjournalists wouldn’t simply get away with publishing articles about how ‘unfair’ the whole thing was as they are migrate intoAfrica from the North.
Just think of the living space andresources they will get control over as they stake their claim toAfrica. 

That is what a homogeneous culture is capable of. Veryingenious of the Chinese to move into a continent no one else seems to want. They could evenchange their one child policy to coax the Chinese into moving to Africa, and the media wouldn’t dare attack the Chinese as they did what needed to be done in typical Oriental fashion to the poor, poor Africans.

