Lipstick and Pigs

Trotter in mouth disease

by Andrew Redmond

Barack Obama’s profile as a national figure is mainly the result of media manipulation. What white politician would survive a post as a dogcather with president"?

Obama, who is presentable when reading prepared texts, is notoriously shoddy when it comes to speaking off the cuff, and his latest gaffe may well have just cost him the US Presidency. At a Virginia campaign rally, Obama compared Governor, the Vice Presidential nominee chosen by Obama’s rival John McCain, to a pig. The reference has been seen as a lampoon of Palin’s folksy Middle American "hockey mom" comparison of herself to a pitbull, with the only difference between pitbulls and those of her ilk being "lipstick." Obama’s "old fish" remark is also rankling.

"We’ve been talking about change when we were up in the polls and when we were down in the polls," Obama declared. "The other side, suddenly, they’re saying ‘we’re for change too’. Now think about it, these are the same folks that have been in charge for the last eight years.

"You can put lipstick on a pig. It’s still a pig. You can wrap up an old fish in a piece of paper and call it change. It’s still going to stink after eight years. We’ve had enough," he said.
The brazen, nearly unbelievably foolish remark garnered instant outrage and an immediate campaign commercial denouncing Obama’s "sexism" from the McCain/Palin camp. Obama’s comment is sure to damage his appeal among white working women, as well as among former supporters of Hillary Clinton, the so-called "PUMAs," who blame Obama’s winning of the Democrat’s nomination on both sexism and affirmative action thinking. Feminist/black rivalry for status and perks goes back at least as far as, and the Democratic nomination race became a bloodbath of special interest politics that severely damaged the Democratic coalition, showing how fragile the ruling strata in America actually is.

The Palin nomination was, from most, a brilliant move by McCain, who had run a lackluster campaign until then. Since Palin’s choice, and her powerful convention speech, McCain’s campaign has surged in the polls.

Obama’s supporters in the media reacted with panic to the Palin pick, seeing themselves outflanked in the political correctness game by McCain, who seemed to be saying "I’ll see your black guy and raise you a woman." Liberal attacks on Palin were and continue to be poorly organized, from an outrageous demand for a sample of her DNA (to disprove a web rumor that her infant child is actually her grandson), to claims that she won’t be able to handle her office and simultaneously care for her family. As with Obama, who was shielded from close questions because of fears about "racism," the liberals are painted into their own politically correct corner, unable to grapple with Palin without appearing to be "sexist."

With his open borders and globalist agenda, McCain is as much of a threat to America as Obama is. Still, observers see in the Palin factor what Dr. Kevin MacDonald has called "implicit" White people in America at this point still feel uncomfortable about organizing and thinking openly AS white people, but do tend to gravitate to implicitly white activities and institutions, from country music and NASCAR to private and charter schools to church.

Palin, as a Governor of a "redneck" state, hits a multitude of implicitly white An avid angler and hunter (mocked by Obama as a "moose shooter"), she slammed Obama’s hatred of working whites in her convention speech. She also has a strong appeal for white working women, who until her nomination largely tended to back Obama out of sympathy for the media hoax painting him as a "racial underdog." Palin is a working mother, whose "hockey mom" persona reflects the "soccer mom" phenomenon of a previous election. Obama lambastes Palin as a hick from a small town, an attack millions of white flight racially cleansed white women who live in suburbs and exburbs resent. She’s a committed Christian, sharing the faith of about 85% of US white women. She has a mentally retarded newborn, who  tugs at female heartstrings. Even Palin’s pregnant teenage daughter represents the kind of challenge her female constituency sympathizes with and many have experienced. In one stroke, McCain countered Obama’s black block vote with a block vote of his own: white women.

Obama’s attacks on Palin are sure to increase a sense of racial awareness among whites, particularly women, in what has become the most racially charged election in US history.
