Anti-White Male Newsweek Diatribe Condemned By European Americans United

Feel free to contact Ms. Clift (right).

To whom it may concern;

Once again the loss of interest in Newsweek becomes more evident as one of your paid hacks demonizes the most loyal segment of the population the United States has ever had: the white American male. She says “in an election season focused on race and gender, it’s ironic that white male workers have emerged as the most prized cohort.” She is viciously implying here that white males are born misogynists and xenophobic “haters.” Not surprisingly, her irony is misplaced. European American males have been easy targets for globalists and diversity mongers to disparage with vicious labeling because they work and because they are white Americans.

Ms. Clift goes on to say that John Edwards would be a fine addition to an Obama ticket or administration because his message resonates with the ‘hard hat’ crowd. She is either deluding herself or is flatly insulting the intelligence of millions of blue collar European American males; revealing her abject disgust that they never took the bait of yet another elite Washington lawyer. Additionally, her transparent anti white context tells us that she resents the fact white American males are still a force to be reckoned with, many of whom remain silent in terms of acquiring the same political and social racial identity afforded non-whites.   

White-baiting canards and negative stereotypes grant us permission to examine the state of mind — and heart — of those who promote them.

Please consider Ms. Clift fully ‘examined.’

Yours Truly;   

Board of Directors,

European Americans United

Western Voices World News


