Deeper Into the Abyss

Haiti in “meltdown” as hunger riots bring down “government”

The poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, which also holds the distinction of being the only nation founded on a black slave uprising, is in a situation the Associated Press is calling “ outbreaks around the Third World, as Third World population levels outpace the ability of white nations to feed it.

Haitian hunger riots in response to soaring food prices have led to what is politely being called the “government” ousting the “Prime Minister” and leading to what AP terms, in all seriousness, a “leadership crisis.”

Haiti hasn’t had anything approaching “leadership” since the overthrow of dictator Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier, a savage homicidal maniac who kept his people in a semblance of order through much of its population, while feeding those who are unlucky enough to remain on handouts from foreign (white) governments, NGOs and the United Nations.

Once the Pearl of the Caribbean and one of the richest lands in the Western Hemisphere, Haiti fell victim to the bane of black slaves, which France had shortsightedly imported in the name of short term growth. When France succumbed to the Revolution, the abandoned white populace was slaughtered en masse by revolting blacks in one of the worst genocidal massacres in human history, chronicled in hair raising detail by T. Lothrop Stoddard in his The red and blue flag of Haiti is based on the tricolor of revolutionary France, with the white third cut out to symbolize the extermination of the white French men, women and children butchered by the slaves whose descendants now live off of white handouts. Since the genocide of Haiti’s whites, “power” has switched back and forth between mulattos and full blooded blacks.

Haiti’s latest “meltdown” is bound to lead to calls for yet more bailouts from whites, an investment that, as far as it helps to increase Haiti’s population, will only lead to additional suffering.
