Christians ‘Murdered by Islamists’ in Germany

By News Team ⋅

Reports filtering out of Germany suggest that three which was already under surveillance by the German state authorities.

However, reporting of this suspected terrorist hate crime has been strangely muted in the German media with only a few newspapers giving the briefest of coverage to it and no word of condemnation from any of Germany’s notoriously Muslim appeasing politicians.

This is in stark contrast to the recent deaths also in Ludwigshafen of 9 Turkish nationals in a house fire. The latter incident which was initially blamed on arson by “neo-Nazis” received weeks of headline coverage across all media outlets with leading German politicians falling over themselves to condemn the incident and appease the Turkish community.

It has now been confirmed by the German authorities that there is no evidence of arson for the Ludwigshafen fire and that a technical defect is the most likely cause.However, in a development which further highlighted the extent of Europe’s ongoing capitulation to the Islamist threat, the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was allowed to visit the site of the fire – by this time adorned in Turkish flags- and publicly demand that the German authorities do more to uncover the cause of the fire and protect the Turkish community not just in Ludwigshafen but in Germany as a whole.

The reaction of German government officials was merely to lamely plead with an increasingly aggressive Turkish community for calm and to promise that everything would be done to protect their interests.

Erdogan’s contempt for German sovereignty and European values intensified several days later. At an indoor rally in Cologne in front of 16,000 cheering [Turkish flag waving Turks from Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands, he urged them never to do all they could to resist assimilation into the West.

“Assimilation is a crime against humanity,” Erdogan told the crowd. “I can well understand that you are against assimilation…. your Turkish language should not be neglected.”

Erdogan, head of the so called ‘moderate’ Islamist AKP party, also urged ethnic Turks in Europe to be more confident in standing up for their interests, and to win election as mayors and members of European national parliaments.

The lily livered, appeasing reaction of the German media and politicians to this humilating affront to German sovereignty says so much about the sad state to which Europe has declined. The fact that these same politicians and newspapers are doing all they can to prepare the way for Turkey’s eventual admission into the European Union brings into even sharper relief the death wish with which the West is saddled.

In a society saddled with such a death wish, the truth is an uncomfortable enemy that has to be repressed or distorted. Accordingly, not one German politician or newspaper has raised the possibility that the false and inflammatory nature of the coverage of the Ludwigshafen fire, as well as the Turkish prime-minister’s provocative accusations and demands, may have intensified the climate of intolerance in the Muslim community in Germany which in turn directly contributed to the hate murders of the 3 Georgian Christians by Islamists in the same town of Ludwigshafen just a few weeks later.

These disgraceful events symbolise the sickness at the heart of Europe. This sickness comes in two forms. Firstly, it comes in the form of an Islamist imperialism often masquerading as ‘moderate’ which is increasing in confidence and aggressive contempt for European civilisation by the day and which is determined to transform Europe, step by step, into an Islamic state.

Secondly, it comes in the form of treacherous ruling European political and media elites who are bending over backwards to encourage this Islamist march and who, we can safely say, will happily allow us all to go to the sword without a second thought.

Make no mistake. Time is running out for us all.
