Third Worlders Bring Lice With Them

by Ian

…Working conditions are not the only thing to slip from First World standards. The New York Daily News reports: “A bedbug epidemic has exploded in every corner of New York City, striking even upper East Side luxury apartments owned by Gov. Spitzer’s father, the Daily News has learned. The blood-sucking nocturnal creatures have infested a Park Ave. penthouse, an artist’s colony in Williamsburg,, a $25 million Central Park West duplex and a theater on Broadway, according to victims, exterminators and elected officials.”

For those who don’t know, bedbugs are a somewhat larger cousin to ordinary body lice. The Daily News goes on: “Once linked to flophouses… bedbug outbreaks victimize the rich and poor alike and are spreading panic in some of the city’s hottest neighborhoods. ‘In the last six months, I’ve treated maternity wards, five-star hotels, movie theaters, taxi garages, investment banks, private schools, ….even the chambers of a federal judge,’ said Jeff Eisenberg, owner of Pest Away Exterminating on the upper West Side. The numbers are off the charts: In 2004, New Yorkers placed 537 calls… about bedbugs in their homes…” Okay, we get the idea. But where did these pests come from all of a sudden? As bad as things were in New York City for the past many decades, what with all the rats and cockroaches and Puerto Ricans, I never heard of bedbugs before. Where are they coming from all of a sudden?

According to the Daily New, “A surge in global travel and mobility in all socioeconomic classes, combined with less toxic urban pesticides and the banning of DDT created a perfect storm for reviving the critters, which had been virtually dormant since World War II, experts say.”

Read illegal immigration from every part of the Third World, which restocked New York with these beasties.

And don’t think the problem is confined to New York and the east coast. Public schools in Los Angeles have suffered outbreaks of head lice. About the only mitigating thing about the Los Angeles problem is that most poor and middle class white families have moved out of L.A., leaving the public schools exclusively to the blacks and the browns, who no doubt swap the head lice back and forth amongst themselves.

Our ancestors spent the past five thousand years trying desperately to build a modern society free of to bedbugs.
