The Broken Compass

Somehow, one doubts that either the USCCB or Hollywood studios would have taken such a benign view of a film whose villainous organization were named “The Synagogue,” whose villains wore rabbinical rather than clerical garb, and whose author had been quoted as saying “I’m trying to undermine the basis of Jewish belief” and “my books are about killing Yahweh.”

by Tom Piatak

It seems fitting that Hollywood has chosen to observe Christmas in the year Christopher Hitchens’ atheist manifesto became a best-seller by releasing The Golden Compass, a movie based on the first volume of a fantasy trilogy His Dark Materials by another angry British atheist, Philip Pullman. Lest there be any doubt what Pullman’s objective is, he told the Washington Post in 2001 that “I’m trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief” and the Sydney Morning Herald in 2003 that “My books are about killing God.” Pullman, in fact, is the perfect representative of today’s post-Christian Britain: contemptuous of the literary tradition in which he writes, filled with hatred for the basis of his civilization, and advocating the displacement of traditional morality by unbridled sexual license and an assortment of PC platitudes. Pullman has dismissed The Lord of the Rings, the greatest of all fantasy novels and one of the monumental creations of the 20th century, as “fundamentally an infantile work” and a “trivial book.” He has described C. S. Lewis’ beloved Chronicles of Narnia as “morally loathsome,” and even lobbied against making the Narnia books into a movie, telling the BBC in October 2005 that Lewis’ tales were “a peevish blend of racist, misogynistic and reactionary prejudice.” And Pullman, like so many of the angry new atheists, has a deep hatred for the institution that did more to create the West than any other, the Catholic Church. He named the villainous organization against which his heroes battle “the Magisterium” —the name used for the teaching authority of the Catholic Church—and dismisses Tolkien precisely because he was a Catholic. As Pullman told MTV on November 1, 2007, The Lord of the Rings is “trivial” because “for Tolkien, the Catholic, the Church had the answers, the Church was the source of all truth, so Lord of the Rings does not touch those deep questions.” There was a time Hollywood observed Christmas by giving us It’s a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th Street; now we get atheist propaganda disguised as children’s literature instead.

So far, so bad. What made this modern Christmas story even worse was the initially supine attitude of an organization which ought to warn Catholics of the dangers posed to the souls of their children by such as Pullman, the United States Conference of Catholic

While the strictly theological implications of The Golden Compass are outside the scope of European Americans United, which is a secular organization, we clearly see that attacks by Hollywood and the Establishment on traditional religious expressions are attacks on European-American culture, meant to undermine the confidence of our people and the European foundations of America.
