NY: Spitzer Drops License Plan

NY governor abandons immigrant driver’s license plan  


New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer on Tuesday abandoned his controversial plan to issue special driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.

“I can confirm that the governor intends to withdraw his plan,” Spitzer spokeswoman Jennifer Givner said Tuesday night.

Assemblyman Peter Rivera (D-Bronx) criticized the governor, saying, “He created a tremendous amount of http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=2307 and now he has let the air out of that hope. I certainly hope this does not help him in the polls. It’s a tremendous blow to all immigrants. I supported him until I saw his backbone disappear.” But Rep. Vito Fossella (R-S.I.) said, “This is good news for the security of New York and the nation. A secure license is key to a safer New York. New York should not be issuing licenses that compromise our safety.”

Spitzer’s cave-in came as a Siena College poll found his job approval rating has dropped to a low of 33 percent and that only one of four respondents said they would reelect him.

