Freeing Arthur

When terrorism is politically correct

Arthur Bremer, the man who attempted to assassinate segregationist George Wallace, was released from prison on November 9, 2007. “Shooting segregationist dinosaurs wasn’t as bad as harming mainstream politicians,” Bremer has said, but to be safe he has been ordered to keep his distance from elected officials and to wear a tracking device. Maryland Parole Commission Chairman David Blumberg has assured the public (and the Secret Service) that they have nothing to fear from Bremer, a man now so allegedly placid that he has been freed long before his original date of 2025. What follows is an updated Western Voices first posted back in August, 2007, when the planned release was first announced, expanding on the idea that Bremer’s release is not only an attempt to justify historical injustice, but helps to create a climate of violence towards dissidents.

On November 9 Arthur Bremer, the man who gunned down presidential contender George Wallace in the parking lot of a Maryland strip mall in 1972, was freed from prison two decades before his scheduled release date.

The release of someone like Bremer, as a person who attacked and nearly killed a major US political figure is something nearly unheard of. But then again Bremer’s target was a segregationist firebrand who is demonized by present-day politically correct historians as a “racist.” The late Wallace not only stood for values diametrically opposed to those of the present system, but as a “racist” he was part of “The Other,” a heretic whose worth as a human being was and is seen as non-existent because of his views. Recently, the government has been carrying out a series of highly dubious witch-hunts against white segregationist figures for alleged crimes going back to the 1950s and 1960s in an effort to put an official seal on those difficult days. In this context, the release of Arthur Bremer, now aged 57, seems to be nothing less than a political move intended to sanitize the past.

George Corley Wallace, the pugnacious Governor of Alabama, was running for the US presidency on a campaign stop on May 15, 1972 in Laurel, Maryland when a 21-year-old Bremer squeezed off a number of shots, five of which hit Wallace. One damaged the Governor’s spine, crippling him for life and ending his presidential run. Three people in the crowd were also injured.

Wallace was running a strong campaign that was a direct populist threat to Richard Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” and other White House attempts to appeal to the “Silent Majority” of whites shell-shocked by the social upheavals of the 1960s. While the physically and psychologically ruined Wallace would go on to make a number of verbal compromises before his death in 1998, he had stood strongly against federally mandated desegregation of schools and other public facilities, and was a hate figure to the left and other forces who wanted to see America irrevocably changed for the worse.

The general atmosphere surrounding Bremer’s arrest and quick conviction gave ammunition to conspiracy theorists, among them George Wallace himself, who stated “I have no evidence, but I think my attempted assassination was part of a conspiracy.” Bremer was quickly painted as a nutcase looking for “fame” who just as easily may have targeted Richard Nixon, the dirty tricks afficianado often pointed to as the man behind the hit. Adding to the drama was the fact that Bremer’s prints were not on the gun, which itself did not match any of the bullets found at the scene, and tests seemed to indicate that Bremer had not fired a weapon that day. A mysterious “diary of a madman” allegedly authored by Bremer also made an appearance. Ever since, potted tales of the attempted assassination play up Bremer’s mental imbalance, and claim that his attack had nothing to do with race or politics. One apocryphal tale has it that Bremer (who is white) was bemused when black inmates cheered him for his act. We are expected to believe that the same Bremer who was to castigate Wallace as a “segregationist dinosaur” had no grasp of the racial and political implications of his act.

The same US government that contends that Bremer was the lone gunman who attempted to murder George Wallace is cutting Bremer’s sentence nearly in half, supposedly because of Bremer’s angelic behavior in the joint. One would think that his alleged madness would make a free Bremer a greater danger for politicians than if he were a hitman with a politically correct agenda directed by others.

The Bremer release is in line with the “one law for them” justice system in America. Routinely, people accused or convicted of antiwhite crimes are handled with kid gloves and are often treated as heroes by some. Similarly, crimes receive selected coverage based on their use to political agendas. The case of homosexual Matthew Shepard, murdered in Wyoming in 1998, is one such incident. Similarly, when James Byrd, a black man, was dragged to death in Jasper, Texas in 1998 by white fellow ex-convicts, and when a Hispanic youth was attacked in Spring, Texas in 2006 by white teens, these stories hit the mass media nationwide and formed the basis for new legislation and widespread hysterical “soul searching.” But when equally horrific (or even worse) crimes occur against non-protected (white and/or heterosexual) victims, nothing even approaching the same attention is paid. The savage murder of Channon Christian and her date Christopher Newsom, is a recent case in point. Both were robbed, kidnapped, raped and brutally dismembered by blacks, but attempts to highlight these hate crimes were denigrated as “hateful” and “racist.”

Agenda-driven crime coverage is, as we see, highly selective. When a group of Hispanic gang members was recently convicted of a series of race murders of blacks in Los Angeles as part of a genocidal “racial cleansing” campaign, nothing was heard from the various “La Raza” groups condemning the slayings, and nothing even approaching the national breast beating exercises that have become routine when whites are the perps was seen. Going beyond even this, nonwhite advocacy groups often actually champion the guilty. A situation like this is now going on around the so-called Jena 6, Louisiana blacks accused of savagely beating a white teenager nearly to death. The case has brought out shameless parades in their honor, and two of the accused were even allowed to present an award at a Black Entertainment Television (BET) event. In contradistinction, when whites are seen to be the criminals in racially charged crimes, whites lead the charge in assuming collective guilt, often making absurd historical linkages. In the Jena case, supposed connections were made to the “Civil Rights” struggle of the 1950s and 1960s, with all the attendant white guilt and similar psychological flotsam and jetson that has been carefully cultivated for decades.

The Sixties have been rewritten with a politically correct view in mind. Laudatory films have been made about the Weathermen (or Weather Underground), a largely-Jewish gang that carried out a large number of terrorist attacks. All of those convicted are now out of jail, many with professorships and other influential jobs. None have renounced their politics, with the least extreme merely excusing their crimes as necessary responses to the politics of their era or making hindsight criticisms of this or that tactic.

Weather Underground member Kathy Boudin (a Bryn Mawr College alumnus) joined with the Black Liberation Army in 1981 to help rob a Brinks armored car in Nanuet, New York, a caper which ended in the death of two cops. Boudin, Jewish daughter of leftist aristocracy who had studied in the Soviet Union, was released from prison in 2003.

The left is breathtakingly shameless in championing its cause. Even Wesley Cook (AKA Mumia Abu Jamal), a former Black Panther on death row for the 1981 slaying of a (white) Philadelphia policeman, has been kept alive by a combination of far-left histrionics, and the cowardice of legal officialdom, which doesn’t want to see a riot in Philadelphia if the cop-killer is executed. In various outrageous displays, Jamal has been allowed to present taped speeches to various graduating classes and has even had programs on federal government-owned PBS radio stations. A series of books, pamphlets, interviews, films and demonstrations have appeared in his defense, while pro bono legal filings continue to clutter up the system.

More recently, a group of “eco-terrorists” who are part of the anti-“fascist” fringe were given hard sentences under mandatory federal guidelines, after causing multi-millions in damage. But their sentencing was marked by sympathy from the judge, who lauded their views, if not their methods.

This kind of “even-handedness” is unthinkable for people accused of politically-incorrect actions. A whole regime of “hate laws” exists to enhance sentences for people whose crimes were carried out because of technically legal opinions. One does not have to approve of illegality to see a double standard in play, part of the social engineering America has been, and continues, to undergo.

The release of Arthur Bremer essentially says that politically incorrect people are fair game for violent conformists, emboldening them in their view that dissidents have no rights the government is bound to respect. The PC cowards are also aware that nationalists must operate under the added handicap of knowing that any meaningful physical response from victims is likely to be met with the full force of the state, while simultaneously having the potential of drawing dissidents into a dead end of tit for tat violence that derails meaningful political action.

All of this enables a climate of “righteous” violence that has already paid dangerous dividends. British National Party leader Nick Griffin, as well as David Duke, were targeted with bombs by Swedish terrorists, while a nationalist member of the Danish government was nearly burned alive in her own home by antiwhite arsonists. Anti-immigration activists in the United States face regular from Aztlanista Hispanic thugs, with one elderly California woman actually suffering brain damage in one attack.

In Europe, such political correctness has resulted in a number of murders. Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn was assassinated in 2002 by a leftist “lone nut” who was upset about Fortuyn’s populist appeal against Third World immigration. In 2004 another Dutchman, pundit Theo Van, was nearly decapitated by an immigrant who had drunk deeply from the well of “tolerance.” While both murders evoked waves of revulsion among many ordinary Dutch people, the official and “mainstream” media response was to blame the victims and to look for reasons for the murder in the supposedly “racist” policies of the government. The magazine Index on Censorship, which pretends to defend free speech, actually seemed justify Van Gogh’s killing – the ultimate censorship – because of his politics.

Another Dutch nationalist politician,, the “twentieth hijacker” of 9/11 infamy, honed his contempt for the West as an anti-nationalist street fighter in France, where his sense of entitlement was stoked by political correctness.

Violence as a form of protest against prowhite dissidents has long been tolerated; in fact, on the day George Wallace was shot tomatoes were thrown at him by hecklers. The fact that the man who crippled and nearly killed him is now on the loose is a sober reminder that in this “democracy” some views are seen as more “legitimate” than others.
