Ron Paul Fights Powerful Plutocracy

The more support Texas representative gains, the more the global elite are taking notice

By Steven LaTulippe

Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) is gaining steam in his presidential campaign and the establishment is preparing to stop him at any cost. His fundraising statistics reveal a blossoming, Internet-based movement that is uniting libertarians and other concerned citizens from across the political spectrum.

His performance in the media has been sharp, and his organization is honing its message. But if Paul remains a viable candidate, he faces a set of obstacles unlike any other. When evaluating his chances, it’s important to understand contemporary America: This is not a democracy and not a constitutional republic.

America is a carefully concealed oligarchy. A few thousand people, mostly in government, finance, and the military-industrial complex, run this country for their own purposes. By manipulating the two-party system, influencing the mainstream media, and controlling the flow of campaign finance money, this oligarchy works to secure the nomination of its preferred candidates (Democratic and Republican alike), thus giving voters a “choice” between Puppet A and Marionette B. Unlike the establishment’s candidates, Paul is a freelancer running on specific ideas. The federal government must function within the strict guidelines of the Constitution, should deconstruct its empire, withdraw troops from around the world, reestablish a foreign policy based on noninterventionism, abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, eliminate fiat currency and return to hard money.

This is not a political agenda or party platform. It is a revolution. The entire ruling oligarchy would be swept away if these ideas were implemented. Every sentence, every word, every jot and tittle of this agenda is unacceptable, repellent and hateful to America’s ruling elite.

The reasons for this are obvious. Through its control of the Federal Reserve, the banking elite makes billions of dollars in unearned profits and exerts enormous influence over the American economy. Countless industries and special interest groups (both foreign and domestic) have sprung up around our so-called defense and national security budgets. The bureaucratic elites who dominate the federal government despise the Constitution’s limitations on their power and view the document as just an archaic “piece of paper.”

They will not “walk away” if Paul is elected president. When its authority over the Southern states was challenged in the 19th century, the oligarchy suspended the Constitution and launched a bloody war that killed three quarters of a million people. They arrested newspaper editors, deported antiwar congressmen, and burned down American cities.

A century later, the oligarchy nuked two Japanese cities, killing thousands of civilians in the twinkling of an eye. When its marginal interests were threatened in Southeast Asia, the oligarchy launched a devastating war that killed over a million people and left the region marinating in toxic defoliating chemicals.

To further its interests in the Middle East, the oligarchy slapped horrific sanctions on Iraq that so far have killed 250,000 children (and then trotted out Madeleine Albright—one of Clinton’s blood-stained trolls—to smugly declare that the deaths were “worth it”).

If the oligarchy would behave this way to protect its often marginal interests, what would it do to stop a devastating assault on its very existence?

The attack on Paul will begin in earnest when it appears he has an even remote possibility of winning. It will follow a fairly predictable path: The first step is already in play. The establishment will start by simply ignoring him, by using its power in the mainstream media and their influence over campaign donors. It will try excluding him from debates. This strategy is already failing. The Internet and talk radio are outside the elite’s direct control and are being used effectively by Paul to “get the message out.” The
establishment will generate ridicule and fear mongering.

Paul’s ideas will be grotesquely distorted in establishment media “hit pieces.” They’ll say he wants to permit heroin use in public schools, or that he wants old people to die in the streets without their Social Security checks, or that he wants to allow greedy industrialists to dump toxic waste into your drinking water.

The next arrow in the oligarchy’s quiver will be scandal—real or fabricated. Usually, this takes the form of pictures, billing records, etc. involving financial or sexual hi-jinks. For these folks, it would be child’s play to implicate him in some sort of phony ethical, moral, or financial skullduggery (doctored pictures, sordid media accounts from “eyewitnesses,” etc.).

If Paul somehow survives this assault, the oligarchy will move on to the criminal justice system. On some fine day, a stretch limo will pull up to the Capitol Building and one of the establishment’s hit men (Jim Baker or maybe Vernon Jordan) will ooze into Paul’s office for a “chat.”

Maybe Paul forgot to fill out Form X109/23W on his 1997 income tax return? Or drained a mud puddle when he built his new house that could be classified as a “wetland”? Or maybe a close relative is in hot water with OSHA/FDA/IRS/youname-it (federal prosecutors love to go after relatives
in order to gain “leverage”). Paul’s sentence could be lessened if he agreed to drop his candidacy as part of a “plea bargain.”

Ayn Rand once stated that the hallmark of authoritarian systems is the creation of innumerable, incomprehensible laws. Such systems make everyone an un-indicted felon and allow for the exercise of arbitrary government power via selective prosecution. If all this failed and if Paul remained a threat to win the presidency, the establishment may decide to let him take office and then use their considerable influence to ensure his presidency ended in failure—mostly through their control of Congress, the federal bureaucracy and the mainstream media.

The oligarchy’s problem with this strategy is that it entails considerable risk. As president, Paul could use the powers of the office to inflict untold damage to the imperial structure (especially if he chose to withdraw American troops stationed overseas). Worse, he could appoint anti-tyranny “ideologues” to a variety of positions in the federal government. The damage to the oligarchs could take decades to undo.

Steven LaTulippe is a physician practicing in Ohio. He was an officer in the Air Force for 13 years.

(Issue #37, September 10, 2007)

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