Texas: Ron Paul Brings the House Down

We need to do everything we can to spread the word and get this man into office. There is no one else like him.

by Deborah Stevens

Ron Paul brought the house down last night at the Texas History Museum in Austin, Texas. The huge museum thundered with applause from a thousand people, which lasted for nearly five minutes as he walked through the crowd toward the stage to deliver his speech.

Never in my life have I have seen anything like what I witnessed last night. He had a professional photography session for everyone to have individual photos taken with him. His speech was riveting. He committed himself to protecting individual liberties and rights first and foremost and ensuring transparent and limited government. He outlined his fiscal policy very clearly concerning how he would protect the elderly and health care programs while bringing our troops back to protect our borders and even begin to bring the deficit under control all at the same time by simply changing foreign policy. Everything he said made total sense and is the message that America needs.

There were large showings of people representing Libertarians, Republicans, and Democrats as well. His message rings true with the entire political spectrum. He spoke of how touched he was that he had so much support from so many people across the nation. Until the campaign began, he had not realized just how many people have been on his side for so long. He said he hadn’t realized just how powerful a tool of free speech that the internet was, but he sure knows now. The crowd roared with laughter and applause

