One War Criminal Down, A Fistful to Go

“Because of Blair’s support for the European Union, Blair could find himself hauled before the International Criminal Court.”

by Paul Craig Roberts

British Prime Minister Tony Blair, or more accurately, George W. Bush’s lap dog, has resigned to England’s relief.

Boris Johnson at the Daily Telegraph wrote that “Blair cannot escape the blame for a disaster in which at least 60,000 (and possibly 10 times as many) Iraqis have died, and which is causing 40,000 Iraqis to flee the country every month.”

The Daily Mail‘s Piers Morgan wrote that Blair’s complicity in the invasion of Iraq transformed England “into a more dangerous, paranoid, despised and ridiculed country. Blair’s reign will be remembered for one disaster of epic proportions, one appalling legacy.”

Claire Short, a former Blair minister, said, “I think Tony’s place in history is Iraq and the deceit and the desperate mess and it’s sad. It’s going to be a very bad place in history.”Many wonder why Blair destroyed his reputation and that of his country, put himself at risk of being hauled before the International Criminal Court, and squandered his time as prime minister providing cover for George Bush’s war of aggression. The answer must be money. We will see which US corporate boards take Blair as a director and which groups pay him six-figure honorariums for speeches.

Bush will have an even worse place in history. There is no longer any doubt that Bush deceived Congress and the American people. At great financial and human cost, Bush took America to war and destroyed Iraq for a hidden agenda. After years of swallowing Bush’s lies, the American people finally caught on. Bush’s approval rating is at 28 percent, but the TV and print media are still sycophantic.
