UK: Propaganda Presented as News

UK’s establishment whistles past the graveyard

British National Party Swindon correspondent reports.  

You really know when you’ve gotten under someone’s skin when they devote half an article – supposedly a comprehensive post-election news roundup on ALL the parties – on you, for the purposes of telling The World and his Dog “how badly” you are supposed to have done! This despite the fact that you achieved your best performance ever!

We refer, of course, to an item penned by a hireling of the globalist Swindon Advertiser – a paper claiming to be “local” (in the same way as your local McDonalds is local) but actually a tiny and insignificant part of a vast international conglomeration, whose head office is on the other side of the Atlantic and to where the profits made in Britain are exported!

Now according to this anti-nationalist rag “The BNP skulked out of last night’s elections with their tails between their legs” and “They left without speaking after winning just 212 votes in Gorse Hill and Pinehurst, 223 votes in Parks and 162 in Penhill ward.” No bias there then – much!Yes – this is supposed to be a “newspaper”– although the meaning of the first syllable of this appellation apparently has a very loose interpretation as far as the Swindon Advertiser is concerned.

The purpose of the piece, of course, is propagandist. It seeks to deceive the naive reader into believing that the BNP has been thoroughly rejected at the polls. This is clearly why it gives raw voting data without providing the votes of other candidates as a yardstick of comparable performance. That is also why it neglects to mention the pecking order of candidates following the counting of votes.

Now the absolute fact that the BNP came in third in two wards and fourth in another – with an average of 12% overall – are facts that the Advertiser does not want to convey to the public. After all, it simply won’t do to have distortions distorted by facts.

Now, for the benefit of those at the Advertiser requiring something other than their fingers to help with the maths – 12% means that around one person in eight of those who bothered to vote – voted BNP! And the fact that our candidates got more votes than the Lib-Dems in two of the three wards contested (and beat good Green and UKIP candidates as well) does suggest, does it not, that the BNP are more popular in some Swindon wards than the Lib-Dems and other parties?

This may be deeply troubling and upsetting to some at the Swindon Advertiser – but facts are facts after all. So bite the bullet or pillow, and live with it!

But the real point, surely, is this: if the BNP did as badly as the Advertiser so clearly would have wished us to have done, then would they have bothered to have devoted half of their one and only elections roundup article to a hateful and deceitful smear against us? No – of course not.

A further point the Advertiser may wish to ponder is that of the purpose of a newspaper in a democracy. Is it there to faithfully report on the news as we Brits believe it should do – or should it exist to distort and even manufacturer the news, in line with its foreign parent company’s globalist outlook? Tough one eh?

The “British” media – the best foreign money can buy.

The “local” Swindon Advertiser is owned by the Gannett Company, Inc., headquartered in McLean, Virginia, an Old Media company whose total circulation is the largest of any print media in the United States. Their flagship paper is the insipid and increasingly thin USA Today, which should give the reader a sense of the depth of the Swindon fishwrap. Meanwhile, results like those seen in Swindon for pro-white hopefuls would have been unthinkable only a decade ago, yet were repeated in poll after poll across the UK. Of even greater importance is the fact that such results aren’t “episodic” protests, but do reflect genuine grassroots support from local people.
