Race and the Media

“A society that puts equality ahead of freedom will end up with neither” ~Milton Friedman

By Frank Roman and W.P. Rayburn


Race. For something that supposedly doesn’t exist, at least according to the Marxists who occupy our universities and the perception benders who earn their shekels in Hollywood by producing miscegenation films aimed at our young people, the phantom of race and racism – specifically white racism — always seems to make its way into our headlines. For something often described as a social construct our national and local media can’t seem to stop talking about race – at least when it suits them. More on that in a minute. There are days when you can pick up the morning paper and somehow that which doesn’t exist (race) is interwoven into almost every bit of “news” whether it’s a high profile dynamic or not. And on almost every occasion, on which it is mentioned, it is the same old canard: ‘But for the specter of white racism, endemic among our people and our people alone, we would be living in a utopian world resembling the Hillside Singers and Woodstock.’ 

So let’s voluntarily rub our noses in a few facts about race and the media, even though, of course, race doesn’t exist.

Let’s start with the Duke Rape case. (Now I apologize for this because I know we’ve been beaten to death with that story.) But this spurious case of the ‘privileged’ white Lacrosse players supposedly having their way with an underprivileged black college student, forced to be a stripper because of the lack of opportunity afforded her in our “racist” society. Never mind that the victim changed her story too many times to count, the media didn’t care. Never mind that no DNA evidence was found that implicated the white suspects, the media didn’t care. Never mind that the bottom feeding prosecutor Mike Nifong (may his name live in infamy) withheld exculpatory evidence, libeled the accused, and committed a litany of violations that range from unethical to criminal, the media didn’t care. Never mind that the cowardly faculty at Duke convicted these students before a trial even started in their now notorious “open letter” and their fellow students openly called for their castration. The media absolutely loved that. This case embodied all the tenets of the entire spectrum of the anti-white Marxist agenda the media has been ramming down our throats for decades. You see, the Duke Lacrosse players manifested everything the anti-white, pro-diversity crowds on college campuses and in the media utterly hate: White affluent males, basking in their unearned “white privilege” actively abusing the long suffering black “victim” of a white society. The Marxist media, ever alert to pounce on white racism, simply couldn’t help themselves. With a few exceptions these athletes were convicted by the corporate media worldwide, regardless of a mountain of facts evincing their innocence. So now, over a year later, the case has finally fallen apart and the rape suspects are free to get on with their lives and, as a matter of course, not a word of apology from the media or the university is forthcoming. Like a gang of organized criminals, they suffer none of the petty emotions with which we regular folks are encumbered, such as guilt, or a fully functioning conscience.

The hatred in the eyes of the militant “anti-racist” street crowd can be quite revealing if you’ve ever seen it up close. I have. Make no mistake about it: they share the same sentiments as our enemies in the media in addition to being simply more demonstrative. Both groups don’t really want equality, because the tolerance they speak of is the degree to which we European Americans will put up with their nation killing antics. They want us dead if not cowering in abject fear. Now, is this an irrational conclusion to draw? Well, think about it. I hate to sound like I’m kicking an old dog here but with a few rare exceptions non-Whites can engage in openly racial victimization of white Americans and it’s not described as racism. But let European Americans write or speak certain illegal words, or think certain prohibited thoughts, or try to manage, even benignly, for their own interests and suddenly they’re  the equivalent of suicide bombers in a daycare center, deserving of any retribution they get —  and for that not to happen would be an exception. Mark this down: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the American charade is that we all must act as if race does not exist and must never do anything to favor our own racial kin, whatever our race may be. That’s the charade, the myth. The American reality is that only European Americans must act as if race does not exist, while non-Whites can organize all they want along with receiving tax money and corporate donations in order to operate.

That’s a case of clear cut hypocrisy and its something everyone knows on an intuitive level. It’s intrinsic in multiracialism, and it is doubled when we have the militant anti-White variety pushed by the media. We had the Duke Rape case literally around the clock and around our necks, injecting its anti white poison everywhere you looked and everywhere you went. But of course there was no reason to mention the staggeringly high number of rapes, murders, beatings and massacres of everyday European American people, facts which are available from the FBI and the Justice Department web pages. But thanks to the internet and a few local talk radio outlets many of you know by now about the Channon Christian, Christopher Newsom massacre in Knoxville Tennessee which has been covered extensively here at Western Voices World News; the two affluent white college students who wound up as playthings in the hands of four or five insanely criminal black males and one female. No sentient person should be able to read about that tragedy more than once for its abject, blood soaked horror. So has our national media even touched this story? You know the answer. Not a peep. No Fox Sunday Morning talk shows. No Oprah Winfrey. No Katie Couric. No Sean Hannity. No Rush Limbaugh. No Montel Williams. No New York Times. No San Francisco Chronicle. No Atlanta Journal Constitution, the list is factually endless. To our criminal media these two innocent European American souls plainly never existed.

 Now what about the Michael Richards’ outburst, the one where the washed up comedian of Seinfeld celebrity called a few members of his comedy shows audience the n word? We’ve all heard about this. We’ve seen it on all the nightly news shows and heard it on syndicated talk radio and read about it in our local bird cage liners over and over and over again. And like sharks smelling blood in the water out come the sensitivity focus groups to direct its audience on the proper way to react. Following Richards’ groveling tearful apologies a whole new generation of European American children and teens are taught they’re all evil to the core because they are white and by default “racist” (even if they aren’t aware of it) while their parents have their media conditioning reinforced a bit more, too. Ditto radio personality Don Imus, who made disparaging remarks about the all girl Rutgers Basketball team and had to pay penance to the likes of Al Sharpton while his superiors cowered under their desks like women of both sexes; or for that matter all of the countless college students, professors, legislators and all other white men or women who dare advance heretical views about our seemingly endless parade of dark skinned “victims”. The media and their bosses in a variety of civil rights groups track these brave white Americans with a religious zeal comparable to the Inquisition, in addition to no incident going unreported. Meanwhile, the true racial supremacist groups such as La Raza (which means “The Race” in Spanish) who openly advocate exterminating the gringo (that’s you and me folks) are funded by Fortune 500 companies as their meetings play host to our nations most powerful politicians. And from whom do we get our information on these real haters? The tireless, ever vigilant men and women who devote their time and energy to bring you the real news over the internet and short wave radio, and may God bless each and every one of them.

Now what you may not know is the central reason these folks are the only way in which you’ll hear about things like the Channon Christian / Chris Newsome slaughter in Knoxville, and then asked to spread the word, is because our voices are stifled in the mainstream media by a technique called Dynamic Silence. Like our own John Young has mentioned before on these Western Voices broadcasts, Dynamic Silence was invented by Rabbi Fineberg of the American Jewish Committee in 1947 as a method of closing off all access to the public media – and thus the larger culture – for people or organizations deemed to have an “unacceptable” point of view. It’s generally understood as being comprised of two parts. In the first part, unfavored individuals are denied unmediated exposure to the public. In the second part, only negative aspects of the unfavored individuals are reported. This starts a downward spiral of de-legitimization in the public eye in which the harder unfavored individuals try to get public exposure, the more negative and unflattering that exposure becomes until, finally, nobody wants to be associated with the ideas or beliefs of the unfavored individuals. In other words, nearly the entire media machine from which millions of our people get their ‘news’ and entertainment uses this technique to shut out concerns that are as important to European Americans as similar concerns are important to non-white activist groups. Inasmuch as it took a massive coordinated effort to bring us the false condemnation of the Duke University “rape” story, it took a corresponding effort to keep the Knoxville slaughter of the two college students from ever hitting the airwaves. Why? Because they knew people like you and me would be utterly outraged, and Lord knows they can’t afford for stories like that to awaken millions of fair minded European Americans who suddenly realize they have a duty to flatly raise hell on their own behalf. That, my friends is how the media does it: demonization and a wall of silence.

I could go on and on, as you all know. It is nothing new to the racially aware that every last one of our institutions is against us. My reason for presenting this broadcast today is that it seems as if there has been a massive escalation in the media lately regarding that which supposedly doesn’t exist: Race. Perhaps this is a mere coincidence, but I doubt it.
Thankfully, many people are waking up to these facts, like European Americans United friend and colleague W. P. Rayburn who recently wrote: “For those of you who have read my articles, you know I am a tireless critic of that which we have come to call Empire. Empires are inherently unstable and transitory in nature, and America, by any objective standard, is an empire. The instability that characterizes empires is directly proportional to its racial/ethnic diversity. As the European American majority diminishes, it is only going to become more unstable. If you haven’t noticed many major cities are already edging toward anarchy, and it’s coming to a town near you. And yet our media continues to strum its anti white lyre.

As America trends towards an imperial “majority of minorities” race will continue to dominate our headlines. The media will continue to demonize us to a greater extent and will continue to not give any coverage to the escalating violence against whites. This is not conjecture folks, this is fact. We are Marx’s new bourgeoisie. All roads lead to us. And it is us, white Americans who are slated for annihilation. The siege has already begun and the media is bringing in the catapults. They may try to batter down our walls, but first they have to come through us. It’s time to put the media on notice everybody. We hold them culpable in the current genocidal public opinion campaign against us.

Right now we may think we are weak compared to the forces arrayed against us, but we are not, so get that thought out of your head right now. We are loaded with vigor and vitality. If we are weak do you think the anti white controlled media would be as terrified of us as they are? That’s right, terrified. Why else would they focus so much energy on trying to demonize us if they were not afraid of our potential power?  Why else would they expend so much energy suppressing stories they believe would cause a white uprising? Maybe we have forgotten, but our enemies have not; that the blood of heroes runs through our veins. Once a significant proportion of our numbers has had enough, well, hold onto your hats. For something that does not exist, our enemies sure spend a lot of time on it. Race; it means everything and we all know it. Now let’s get busy preserving our own.”


European Americans United is standing by, and we’re waiting for you.
