A Real Foreign Threat: China

While 140 foreign intelligence services are trying to penetrate U.S. agencies, China’s is the most aggressive

by Ian Mosley

With all the sound and fury surrounding the neocons’ military misadventures in the Middle East, it’s easy to forget that America has other enemies. In fact, the foreign power which will most likely turn out to be the most formidable enemy that America ever has to face is not any Arab or Muslim nation, nor even little North Korea with their nuclear firecrackers. It’s China, and while the neocons are fooling around in the Middle East trying to make the world safe for Israel and grab all the oil they can, the Chinese giant is quietly sneaking up on us and preparing for a war which may be twenty or thirty years in the future yet, but which will almost certainly come.

And guess who the Chinese are using as spies? Chinese immigrants, some of whom have become citizens. You know, all those “huddled masses” we keep taking in?A http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109&sid=aqgFx0bVAX3I&refer=exclusive describes how “In a Santa Ana, California, courtroom, 66-year-old engineer Chi Mak listens to federal prosecutors describe how he and his family stole secrets from his employer, L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. The alleged target: data about Navy submarine engines that run silently to avoid detection. U.S. intelligence officials say the Mak case is unusual — not in the nature of the charges brought against him, but that charges were brought at all. For every person caught and accused of passing U.S. military and trade secrets to China, they say, scores of others go undetected. Taking advantage of an outmanned counterintelligence effort drained and distracted by the wars in Iraq and against al-Qaeda, current and former officials say, China has systematically managed to gain sensitive information on U.S. nuclear bombs and ship and missile designs.”

Of course, under the Clinton administration, the Chinese didn’t have to get that elaborate. Bill Clinton invited their top agents to the White House and sold them classified American technology at knockdown prices, for a few paltry million dollars donated to his private legal defense fund. And what better cause is there than to defend Clinton against the consequences of his drug-crazed sexual predator behavior? His wife (the same one who wants to be President now) looked the other way, regarding both her husband’s perversions and his treason.

The http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109&sid=aqgFx0bVAX3I&refer=exclusive also notes “Iraq and the struggle with terrorism are sucking resources across the board,’’ says Joel Brenner, the top counterintelligence official in the office of Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell. Meanwhile, `’the Chinese are really making a run at us.’ Adds Keith Riggin, a former senior official at the Central Intelligence Agency who focused on China issues: “If the American people knew the number of officers going against the Chinese, they would be appalled.’’ He says his frustration with the lack of resources was one reason he ended a 24-year career in 2006. While 140 foreign intelligence services are trying to penetrate U.S. agencies, China’s is the most aggressive, Brenner says. He describes China’s activities as ‘an intensifying and troublesome pattern.’”

The same http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109&sid=aqgFx0bVAX3I&refer=exclusive continues: “While the Federal Bureau of Investigation tripled the size of its China unit in 2001, plans for further expansion were scotched when the Iraq war began, says Rudy Guerin, a China expert who retired from the bureau last year. David Szady, the FBI’s former assistant director for counterintelligence, says the FBI should hire another 1,500 agents, and most should be used against China’s espionage within the U.S.” Well, good luck with that. Any increase is going to be used to spy on Americans and find out what they’re reading in the local library if past trends hold true.

The problem with our current war on terror (which is really a war on the Muslim world) is that taking on an entire worldwide religion of over a billion people in over fifty countries, is that it doesn’t leave much by way of resources to devote to the 1.3 billion Chinese people that the neocons have managed to make enemies of.The neocons have managed to alienate every nation on earth except England. One day, China (and/or the rest of the world) will decide that the US has bullied one nation too many and that the world is better off without us. China is already shipping millions of containers to all our major ports. All they would have to do is sneak a few nukes in some of the containers– and Boom– no more USA. Thanks a lot neocons.
