McCain Madness


A few weeks before Super Tuesday, my friend Howard Phillips asked me who I thought the Republican Presidential nominee would be. I predicted John McCain. With the results of Super Tuesday now history, most political pundits are also predicting that the Arizona senator will gain the Republican nomination for President. And with Mitt Romney now out of the race, McCain is all but assured the nomination. One did not need to be a seer to figure this one out.

For one thing, President George W. Bush all but destroyed whatever conservative influence was left in the GOP. Peggy Noonan is right about that. (See

Furthermore, the capitulation and compromise of principle by the Religious Right has also significantly sealed the death warrant of conservatism within the GOP. For the sake of not offending George Bush or losing whatever seat at the table the various leaders of the Religious Right felt they had, their spirit of resistance waned to the point that the very name “Christian Conservative” has lost all meaning, not to mention power.As a result, Republicans have come to accept Big Government, runaway federal spending, the Welfare State, the Warfare State, the Nanny State, empire-building, gargantuan trade and budget deficits, warrantless eavesdropping, the loss of 4th Amendment rights, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

Therefore, how could anyone expect the vast majority of Republican voters to suddenly rediscover a huge commitment of conviction to conservative principles? Add to that question the fact that there is only one true conservative/constitutionalist who made it to the Republican primaries: Congressman Ron Paul. And the media and political establishment pummeled Congressman Paul to the point that his limited success in the race can be categorized as nothing short of miraculous.

Make no mistake about it: the establishment wants one of its own to succeed George Bush. In order for that to happen, they must manipulate the primaries to ensure that, no matter who wins in November, one of their fellow elitists will still wield power in Washington, D.C. On the Democratic side, both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama fit the bill. And on the Republican side, John McCain is the ultimate insider.

A long-standing member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), John McCain will pursue the goals and ambitions of the globalists with a vengeance. As Pat Buchanan said recently, “John McCain will make Dick Cheney look like Gandhi.” Buchanan is right on with that prediction.

Despite a liberal track record, many Republican “conservatives” who have always been critical of John McCain are already beginning to warm up to him, feeling that his nomination is inevitable. Include in this list such notables as Grover Norquist, Tony Perkins, and fellow CFR member Richard Land.

Fortunately, not all of the conservative “talking heads” have jumped on the McCain bandwagon. Include in this list: Ann Coulter, who said she would campaign for Hillary Clinton if McCain is the Republican nominee; James Dobson, who said he would never vote for John McCain–no matter what; and Mr. Republican Cheerleader himself, Rush Limbaugh.

Then there is Mike Huckabee: the candidate to whom the evangelical George Bush robots have gravitated. Huckabee is every bit the liberal that is John McCain. In fact, Huckabee and McCain have developed a very close friendship, according to numerous sources. Many are even predicting that Huckabee will be McCain’s running mate, in order to dupe evangelicals into accepting the McCain candidacy. (I have been saying this myself for months.) Even Rob Schenck said this about Huckabee: “After careful and prayerful consideration, I have concluded that an evangelical vote for Mike Huckabee is a vote for John McCain, and a vote for John McCain will be a disaster for this country.”

But just who is this man, John McCain?

John McCain’s father and grandfather were both admirals in the U.S. Navy. John was schooled in one of the most elite boarding schools in America. He graduated from the Naval Academy where he ranked 894th out of 899 students.

According to Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief, February 1, 2008, “[John McCain used nepotism to get ahead: When he was rejected by the National War College, he used his father’s contacts with the Secretary of the Navy to make them reconsider.” Skousen also notes that “McCain cheated on his first wife after she had a severe accident. He then divorced her and married his multi-millionaire mistress, whose daddy bought McCain a spot in the Congress.”

It has also never been explained why the son and grandson of Navy admirals would not rise to the rank of Admiral himself. (He exited the Navy as a Captain.) Was it his numerous adulterous affairs or his violent temper? Or both?

John McCain’s biographer Robert Timberg chronicles McCain’s numerous sexual affairs with subordinates both when he was an Executive Officer and later Squadron Commander. Obviously, such fraternization is a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Skousen and many others have chronicled McCain’s violent temper. Even as a young man, McCain was “a strikingly violent man.” Timberg quotes McCain describing his propensity for violence, even as a youngster, saying, “At the smallest provocation I would go off into a mad frenzy, and then suddenly crash to the floor unconscious.”

McCain says his vicious temper was transformed after being held as a Prisoner of War by the North Vietnamese. There is no doubt that John McCain was tortured by his Vietnamese captors, but it also seems clear, by both the written and oral records of many, that McCain spent the bulk of his captivity collaborating with his captors.

It is more than interesting that former POW John McCain would use the power of his senate seat to stop the investigation and pursuit of American MIAs in Vietnam. What would possess a former naval officer to do such a thing? In fact, a group of

That John McCain still has a vicious temper is well known. We can all remember him singing “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran,” to the tune of the Beach Boys hit song “Barbara Ann.” He also said North Korea should be threatened with “extinction.” He often boasts of America’s 100-year war with Iraq and talks of pursuing enemies “to the gates of hell.” There is no doubt, John McCain is one
