White Privilege: Oregon County Exempts Non-White People From Mandatory Face Mask Order

Ohio State University economic professor Trevor Logan said that enforcing Black people to wear a mask would be “basically telling people to look dangerous given racial stereotypes that are out there.”

NOTE: If blacks make up 13% of the population they should only be committing 13% of the crimes, instead, they are committing crimes almost three times as many crimes as they should be.

Lincoln County in Oregon has exempted non-white residents from a new order mandating mask-wearing in public in an attempt to counter racial profiling.

Last week, health officials declared face coverings would be required in public settings where individuals may come within six feet of someone outside their household after the county saw a spike in coronavirus cases.

On Tuesday, the county said “people of color who have heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment due to wearing face coverings in public” will be exempt from the order.

Previous exemptions from wearing a face mask in public included those under 12 years of age, those with medical conditions who have difficulty breathing with a mask on and those with disabilities that prevent the wearing of a face covering.


The surge of face mask requirements has caused debate among activists who argue that masks endanger non-white people due to racial stereotypes that exist.


“It looks like almost every criminal sketch of any garden-variety black suspect,” he told CNN in April.

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