‘Joker’ — A Political Parable For Our Times | Opinion

“It’s an insidious validation of the white-male resentment that helped bring President Donald Trump to power.”

Who knew?

(CNN)”Joker,” the Todd Phillips movie that reimagines the origins of Batman’s killer-clown nemesis, opened this weekend to record-setting box office — fueled by deft marketing and some of the most polarizing critical reaction of any mass-market film in decades.

Further fueling the hype around the movie: A shocking Golden Lion win at the Venice International Film Festival and a joint bulletin from the FBI and Department of Homeland Security warning about online threats of mass shootings at “Joker” screenings.

Set in a very thinly disguised New York City, Phillips’s version of the Joker story has as its protagonist Arthur Fleck, a middle-aged, working-class man who lives with his invalid mother. Fleck works as a clown for hire while fantasizing about romancing the lovely single mother who lives down the hall.


“Joker,” at its core, is the story of the “forgotten man,” the metaphoric displaced and disenfranchised white man whose goodwill has been abused and whose status has been reduced. A man who has been crushed underfoot by the elite, dragged down by equality-demanding feminists and climbed over by upstart nonwhite and immigrant masses.

(NOTE: Well, now that you mention it… –ed.)

