White America’s Fears Are Built on its Myth of Supremacy | Opinion

You will note this pandering article makes no mention at all of what America will look like (or be like) after European Americans are finally marginalized into a small, hated minority.

Editor responses by way of Fair Use are in RED.

by David Weider, PA

A cultural war rages in America.

(Question: Who and what started it?)

A white America, increasingly concerned about its eventual minority status, is struggling with the past of a nation substantially built on the backs of slaves, brought here, degraded, on ships’ sweltering sub-decks.

(The only people “struggling with America’s past” are the anti-White racist agitators and political grifters seeking absolute power. They say as much every single day.)

The first 20 slaves arrived in British America in 1619, according to Jill Lepore, author of a new history of the United States. The sorry institution exploded after the invention, in 1793, of the cotton gin, making the manufacture of cottons and linens extremely popular and requiring an exponential increase in slavery in all of the 13 colonies.

(How many more ‘new’ histories are our children, and adult suckers, supposed to ingest? This is old news.)

The number of slave states expanded as the American union spread over the continent. The doctrine of Manifest Destiny, allowed for theft of the lands of native Americans, Mexicans and of Hispanics in the American West. It’s frightening that Hitler conceived the idea of lebensraum from the American model, writing about it in Mein Kampf.

(Every single nation on Earth was founded by people who came from somewhere else. We learned that in school. Can’t have a anti-White screed without some mention of Hitler though, can we?)
The consequences led to the Civil War, being, as most wars, driven by economic forces used to further justify preserving a “way of life, and individual liberty” — of white men.

(As it stands now, in 2019 and beyond, despite the complete abolition of slavery and the trillions of dollars in systemic reparations, white men are increasingly not supposed to have a way of life or individual liberty, which has become absolutely clear. Payback won’t allow it. Got it.)

Now, the chickens have come home to roost. The whiteness of “Leave it to Beaver” and “Father Knows Best” is reluctantly surrendering to the political realities of a woke generation. The dispossessed, the robbed and the abused portion of the American population are demanding reparations for the back-breaking servitude and social discrimination they endured through much of the history of the republic, while also creating much of its wealth and infrastructure.

(Ask any sane person if they’d rather raise their family in a ‘Leave it to Beaver’ setting or today’s San Francisco. Moreover, the ‘dispossessed, the robbed and the abused portion of the American population’ have been dead for generations. Today, SNAP mommas who load up three buggies of food and drive off in an Escalade are doing quite well. We had a black president and now countless non-white legislators. And then there’s the too-numerous-to-mention-here non-white pressure groups constantly attacking European Americans from all sides. We’ve all seen it.)

Therefore, there is currency to the argument that America owes a monetary debt to the descendants of slaves.

(No mention of Irish slaves. Wrong color. Bad narrative. We get it.)

The current white nationalist backlash is no different than that of the traitorous Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Nathan Bedford Forrest, founder of the Ku Klux Klan. They defended the Southern aristocracy perpetuating itself on the treasure created by black slaves, continuing unabated through an aborted Reconstruction fulminated by the impeached, but not convicted, racist Andrew Johnson. There was, in addition, the resegregation of the South and the military by the former president of Princeton University and of the United States, who believed that black men were inferior, the heroic Woodrow Wilson. He envisioned a peaceful world order and campaigned for a League of Nations, gaining a Nobel Peace Prize for his failed effort.

(He forgot to mention that Abraham Lincoln did not consider European Americans to be equal with their black counterparts, and was in favor of repatriating them back to Africa. But it never happened. Moreover, unimaginable inner city violence is just one ‘treasure created by black slaves.’)

Racist men such as the current president and his base of white supremacists will not succeed in suppressing demands for economic equality, immigration justice, and more American diversity. Finally, after centuries of struggle, the world of white dominance of our country is being dragged, kicking and screaming, into a more diverse American 21st century.

(Centuries of struggle? Really? How about immediately following the Second World War?

Donald Trump is NOT a white supremacist. That is wishful thinking, while ‘diverse’ is a leftist dog whistle for fewer European Americans walking around. Kicking and screaming is the usual reaction to an unexpected assault.)

Despite the last gasps of an anachronistic, aberrational president, disenfranchised minorities are defining their own future. Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression in the heartland are being challenged not only by a new generation of Americans, but also by many whites who understand the economic disparities created by racial prejudice and economic deprivation and an electoral system engineered to perpetuate the status quo of rural overrepresentation.

(Question: When the left’s wet dream of a disenfranchised white minority comes to fruition, will they then be allowed to ‘define their own future?’ Don’t bet on it.)

We are a national entity, a people, not geographical state boundaries alone. Although our economic and federal systems ensure more freedom, they also provoke economic disparities, and even tribalism, the ultimate enemies of a free republic.

(There was no racial ‘tribalism’ when the nation was majority European American. Economic disparity, yes, just like in every single nation on the planet since time began.)


The middle class is beginning to realize that it is not scapegoated immigrants and minorities causing job loss, it is unparalleled technological change creating the disorder.

(Oh of course not. Those imported Indian tech guys and South American meat processing workers working for much less than average wages has nothing at all to do with ‘disorder.’ These days, the only thing the majority European American middle class is realizing is the relentless racial, financial, and cultural attacks coming from DC, the media, and decadent universities. Corporate fixation on chump change wages doesn’t help, either. Worked for Amazon lately? Yeah, disorder.)


The technological forces pushing major international corporations and the uber-wealthy to new, gilded-age disparities between them and the middle class are self-evident as a threat to our republic.

(Again with the middle class? It is those ‘major international corporations and the uber-wealthy’ who are directly responsible for dropping the crumb trails needed to import millions of peons from the Third World to work for those crumbs and utterly displace the European American middle class and working class. Moreover, blacks don’t care for it much either, and we don’t blame them.)

Equally, the thinly veiled disguise of whites being abused by the descendants of slaves or immigrants is no less a hoax than P.T. Barnum’s appeal in the carnival midway of a freak show.

(This is delusional. The FBI report on 2016 Hate Crime Statistics shows that in 2016, there were 876 reported anti-white hate crime offenses in the United States and we’re pretty sure its gotten worse. White South Africans would also have a different point of view. But let’s not go there..)

Please see full source here…
