Equality and Nature

by Frank Roman

Let’s stop lying to ourselves. As long as Nature is allowed to rule as Nature, there will always be kingdoms and slaves. If it were not so, nothing would exist. From the alien creatures in the unseen depths of the ocean to the cosmic profundity of interacting celestial bodies in infinte space, Nature rules as Nature.

In these theaters of Life, equality does not exist. Equality is stagnation. Equality is death. It holds everything back and allows nothing to grow. Nothing progresses as the inexorable march of time lumbers onward. And that would not be Nature. No matter who says otherwise, free men are not equal, nor are they free.

Moreover, Nature dictates that nothing has a monopoly on virtue or vice, wisdom or folly, capacity or incapacity. If everything in Nature, of which are most certainly a part of, did have such a monopoly they would not exist and there would be nothing. Therefore, we would not exist.In these precarious times Nature dictates that we, the sons and daughter of Europe, must overtly acknowledge that equality means death, just as it would beneath the sea and in the heavens. And because we are a part of Nature we are obligated to not be equal to other tribes and we must assert true inequality, because inequality means life.

It is only natural.
