8 Things White Americans are Sick of Hearing

Remember, to the enemy who wants us dead, there is no Greek, German, Italian or English. There is no centrist, Libertarian or right-wing. There is no Catholic or Anglican or Protestant. There is just White Europeans / Americans and all of their descendants and Nations.

Many, in both Europe and America; seem to frown down upon white Americans who claim their roots and are proud of them. Here are a list of things you may deal with as a white American:

1. Having people argue about who you are.

2. Constantly having your racial or ethnic identity invalidated.

3. Being called names like Heinz 57 and/or mutt as if you lack an identity or culture.

4. Being told that you aren’t German. You just had an ancestor that was one (as if they are an expert on your family history).

People like this just assume we white Americans have identity issues, which I’m pretty sure it is them who have a problem with our identity, not us. Just so we are clear, if you are an American of European heritage who is keeping your differences and culture intact, knowing about your family history and keeping your legacy alive can be beneficial in many ways. It can give you that sense of pride the left wishes to take from you, because your nationality and place of birth have nothing to do with your European identity, got it?

Here are 8 things European Americans are tired of hearing:

1. The “Real” Europeans. You’re not European. You’re American, period!

First of all, there is a difference between Nationality and Ethnicity. Secondly, there is more to a person than their nationality and place of birth.

You are aware that white Americans are descendants of the Europeans, right? You know… the group of pilgrims that came to America from Northern and Western Europe? Are you not also aware that Europeans exist in other parts of the world due to migration? Surly this is common knowledge. There are many different groups of them that exist all over the world. Welcome to the 21st century.

Fun fact: Those who moved to the US during colonial times belonged primarily to the Nordic race. Their heritage was primarily English and to a lesser degree Scottish, Dutch, German or French. Due to limited migration between 1776 and 1889 and most migration into the US during that period still originating from those same countries, one could argue that genuine Americans are Nordics of mixed Northern & Western-European heritage, albeit predominantly Anglo-Saxon.

2. Hands off My Culture! You have no connection with us! European culture is NOT your culture!

Here comes the cultural appropriation police!

((“Oh no! You’re appropriating our culture!”))

Please, lay off the pipe. We “European Americans” have our own culture. But I will also argue that much of our history is rooted in Europe and it’s traditions. And much of that has shaped American culture into what it is today. If that weren’t so, then this would be a fair argument. But it is quite to the contrary, as America, as a country; was founded by European peoples.

3. Take a DNA test you Amerimutt! Americans aren’t ethnically anything, you Heinz 57!

Um, who made you the identity police? I hate to break it to you, but Europeans of different groups have intermarried with each other for thousands of years. Therefore, there is no such thing as a ‘pure blooded’ ethnic group – you either identify with an ethnic group in your family line or you don’t. Many of us Euro-Americans happen to be very proud of our heritage, thank-you-very-much.

Fun fact: Its completely normal for ethnic Germans to have French and English in their DNA results. They are both Western/Central European (which is exactly the same). It is also normal for ethnic Germans to have “English” in their DNA results, especially in northern Germany. It is also normal for English people to have “German” results. When you know how England was created, you know why this result is normal and say nothing about the ethnicity. Its says absolutely nothing about your culture. It doesn’t describe a specific country. The DNA tests only describe a possible Region of Europe and not a country.

By the way, many of today’s ethnic Germans in Germany also have Ashkenazi DNA. Europe is older than America. People in Europe have been intermarrying between groups since ancient times. Only in the modern times do we hear of immigrants identifying their heritage as “American”, which they genetically are of the same stock, as they descend from the same ancestors.

4. I’m sick of hearing Americans claiming they’re Irish or German. You don’t know what it means to be Irish/German!

Because you’re the expert on what I know and how I feel, right?

Some people think that being born in a different part of the world means that you’re not connected to your roots. Let’s get this straight: my place of birth, upbringing, and nationality have nothing to do with how I feel about my heritage or how connected I am to my roots. Period.

And to my American audience: This is usually directed at those “Americans” who wear the “Irish” or “German American” T-shirt.

And I will warn all you German-Americans out there, you don’t want to try to wear that t-shirt in Germany, unless you want to be confronted by the cultural appropriation police or highly offended people who don’t want to be mixed up with Americans.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against learning about these cultures. What it boils down to is that you understand more about your family history. I am also suggesting that you understand more about these cultures before you identify with them directly by saying “I am German-American”. Instead, say “I am an American of German descent”. That would be more appropriate.

5. You’re a Yank! Yank, let me make it perfectly clear; you aren’t connected to us.

People don’t know their history. And that’s ignorance on their part, not yours. Of course we are “connected” through bloodlines and ancestry. Culture wise, that may be a different story depending on where you are from.

There’s a reason you will see porcelain skinned brunettes with light eyes, blondes and redheads in Britain, Ireland, Sweden, France, Germany, America, Canada, New Zealand, North Africa, South Africa, South America, Australia and Russia etc. We all have the same genetics, just different languages, cuisine, and a shared history/culture of our respective countries.

And as far as culture is concerned, I am either a German-American (aka not German) or a Steampunk. These are fair. But a yank? Rude, uncalled for, and simply a stupid stereotype.

But what would happen if Americans dare venture and try to reclaim their roots by adopting the traditions taught in Europe today? Would they generally be accepted back into Europe? Oh no! Here comes the critics as they mock, ridicule and laugh. Either way, you just can’t win, can you?

6. You can’t claim roots to our country just because you’re white! You think you had something to do with our culture because you happen to share our skin tone?

Nope! Why would I see the need to connect myself with “your traditions” when we have our own ways? I love my European heritage, and I love my American Steampunk culture. I wouldn’t ever consider myself “part of another culture” other than the one I share with my family and respective country, that is; unless I decided to move to another country of origin and integrate into that culture. Then I can say, yes; I am a part of that culture.

What is a culture, anyway? Is it a set of values and beliefs? If so, then anyone can adopt those values and beliefs regardless of race, skin tone or bloodline.

And if you are one of those people who believe otherwise, that it is impossible for someone of another culture to integrate into a Western culture, or if you believe that culture is attached to ‘race’ or ‘ethnicity’, consider this:

Yes, as Americans, we do have our own culture and identify with historical American heroes. But it is also fair to say that European history, which predates America; is also a huge part of our history and heritage. Our ancient ancestors made Europe into what it is, and that history is also connected to us. Therefore, it is OUR history. And we can be proud of that.

For argument sake, how is my place of birth or ability to keep certain traditions and cultural settings essential to my European identity? Are you perpetuating stereotypes that all American whites have to live and act a certain way in order to claim their roots? Of course, we are all culturally different, but we all descend from the same ancestors! Yes, some are traditional, and that’s awesome. Others aren’t. All are European.

7. What connection does a “white” American have with ______ , from/of MY country?
What does ancient Greece have to do with lardo southern hogs in Alabama? Or some little boy who just discovered /redpill?

Does it matter?

Is my ability to identify with a historical monument or event that took place in another country essential to my European identity? Are you perpetuating stereotypes that all whites of European stock should identify with certain things from your country in order to claim their roots? Yes, some do, and that’s awesome. Others don’t. All are European.

Whites born in America, keeping their bloodlines and culture alive; is just as relevant as those who are doing so in Europe. And as far as I’m concerned I am 100% European stock! proud of it. Don’t like it? Are you offended?

8. You can identify with whatever you want. But that doesn’t mean we will recognize you as one of us.

((You’re an Ameri-mutt with identity issues.”))

((You aren’t European…))

((You’re a mongrel…))

((You have no identity…))

((You’re not German…))

((You’re not Irish…))

((You’re a yank))

((European Culture is NOT your culture.))

Good God. As if “looking” or “being” European has anything to do with place of birth, our ability to speak certain languages or identify with certain cultures or traditions. Please, just accept the fact that Europeans exist worldwide, not just in Europe (our original region). We have created various cultures around the globe. Our hair and eye combinations come in a variety of colors and shades from the darkest of night to light and bright colors. Our skin tones vary from tan to alabaster white. We all have our different physical characteristics. Some have narrow faces, some have high or wide cheekbones. Some have freckles and some don’t. Some have curly hair, straight hair, wavy hair. Some have body types that are curvy, petite, short, and tall. We now exist in various parts of the world and created unique cultures and fashion. We speak various languages with many different dialects. It’s amazing how, under one umbrella, there can be so much diversity and variation. We’re all different and beautiful — and that’s part of what makes us so amazing!

Please see source here. Excellent graphics…
