Clinton to Target Trump’s ‘Alt-Right’ Embrace in Thursday Speech

Hillarys’ Alt-Right speech will be the equivalent of a giant neon sign in Times Square seen by millions for the very first time.

Campaigning in Reno, Nevada, on Thursday, Hillary Clinton will address Donald Trump’s recent campaign hires and what her campaign termed in an announcement as “his advisors’ embrace of the disturbing ‘alt-right’ political philosophy.”

“This ‘alt-right’ brand is embracing extremism and presenting a divisive and dystopian view of America which should concern all Americans, regardless of party,” the campaign said in a statement. “In her remarks, Clinton will contrast Donald Trump’s divisive views and dangerous temperament with her vision of an America that is stronger together and where everyone has a role to play in the future.”

Clinton’s speech comes following last week’s Trump campaign shakeup, which included the hiring of Breitbart executive Steve Bannon as its CEO. In its campaign announcement last Wednesday, the Trump campaign touted Bloomberg Politics’ description of Bannon as the “most dangerous political operative in America.”


NOTE: The only racial group that has been divided and almost conquered are the indigenous people of this country and all other ethnically European countries. And it is that, which was always the aim, and these neo-revolutionaries aid them in doing that. As we have said, they are the useful idiots who do the groundwork of the people they say they oppose, and are that stupid that they cannot see that, or of course know exactly what they are doing.

Those they speak of as oppressors, are the same ones implementing conditions onto white Western nations that weaken them and ultimately make them less likely to rise up for their people and nation.

Look at your country, do you honestly believe that all of the mass immigration and pro multicultural propaganda has been a natural occurrence? By falling for this leftist propaganda of all races uniting to defeat a common enemy, we would be facilitating the downfall of our own people as they have planned.

None of what leftists say is in the national interest, nor is it in the interests of the indigenous people of that nation. Their intent is the eradication of the nation state in the long run, just as it is the aim of Jewish globalism, the people who control the banks and the corporations.

An open minded look into who has been behind mass immigration into white countries will show you who has designed the West to be as it is today, and that it has not been a natural occurrence but social and ethnic engineering on an unprecedented scale.


Alt-Right: Alternative right movement- often described as ‘Alt right’ was first introduced by Paul Gottfried in late 2008. This movement is basically related to the right-wing policies and considered its extension. Alt right movement antagonizes the multi-ethnic culture, immigration, and the impression of world as a ‘Global Village’ and is a character of white-supremacy, fascism and other such rabid ideas.

Alt right movement has its ties with anti-democratic ideologies.

Due to its extremist ideas, some of the right-wing politicians are pro-alt rights. But the mainstream is against such harsh policies.

Some are portraying it as a predecessor of a much larger force in the future. The question arises that why should we consider it evil? The simple answer would be that if you support free trade (we don’t), internationalism (we don’t), global immigration (we do NOT) and are against racism and fascism (subjective terms) then you should consider this movement toxic (we don’t).

On the other hand, if you are advocating white supremacy (another subjective term), you should endorse it (please do!).

More here: The Case for Trump: Hillary Clinton Plans To Attack The Alt-Right In Thursday Speech
