House Speaker Paul Ryan’s Primary Challenger: ‘Why Do We Have Muslims’ in the US?

Unfortunately, presidential candidate Donald Trump recently endorsed Paul Ryan.

It is what it is

Speaker Paul Ryan’s Republican primary challenger in Wisconsin says the U.S. should have a discussion about deporting all its Muslims.

Paul Nehlen in a radio interview this week questioned why followers of Islam are in the U.S. in the first place

“Well, then, the question is why do we have Muslims in the country,” Nehlen said in response to a question about how someone can be vetted for supporting Sharia law.

“I believe the break point is Sharia. If the Muslim is Sharia-compliant, that is in direct conflict with the U.S. Constitution. … Islam is the only major religion that encourages lying. If they lie, how do you vet something like that?” Nehlen said on AM 560’s “Morning Answer,” first reported by The Daily Beast.

When asked if he was suggesting deporting Muslims from the U.S., Nehlen responded, “I’m suggesting we have a discussion about it, that’s for sure.”

Nehlen on his campaign website knocked Ryan earlier this week for saying he rejects “a religious test for entering our country.”

Nehlen said that Ryan has misunderstood Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s proposals, which would temporarily ban immigrants from certain countries with terrorist groups from coming into the United States.

“The problem with Paul Ryan is his constant knee-jerk reactions to anything controversial Donald Trump might say without completely understanding the issue,” Nehlen’s campaign wrote on Monday. “He’s LOOKING for a way to contradict and criticize Mr. Trump because he knows the liberal press will eat it up.”

Trump responded Monday night, tweeting, “Thanks to @pnehlen for your kind words, very much appreciated.”
Trump then said Tuesday he’s “not quite there” on endorsing Ryan in his primary, adding that the country needs “very strong leadership.” The refusal drew ire from leading Republicans; Ryan is the highest-ranking GOP elected official.
