“That’s For 400 Years of Slavery You Bitch!”

Cory Batey–a black Vanderbilt diversity unit and football player — is sentenced to 15 years in a ‘get whitey’ rape case.

He sad now.

A judge Friday sentenced former Vanderbilt University football player Cory Batey to 15 years in prison, but said the man’s true punishment for raping an unconscious woman three years ago was a life sentence.

“It is one of the saddest cases that I have ever encountered,” Criminal Court Judge Monte Watkins said. “And I’ve been in the legal business for 32 years.”

The judge said he’s seen many cases involving young people who made bad decisions and had to weigh how his punishment would impact the victim, the defendant and their families.

“All of the defendants in this case basically have life sentences,” Watkins said. “After they get out of jail or prison they will be on the sex-offender registry for the rest of their lives. That’s a life sentence in and of itself.”

The prison term Watkins handed down was the minimum allowed by law. Batey, 22, must serve all 15 years.

The ruling came at the end of a 90-minute hearing in which the rape victim gave an emotional statement about her own life sentence. She spoke from a podium, reading her statement, pausing to cry and looking up at the judge.

“In this age of technology, anyone I ever meet in my personal or professional life can learn I am a rape victim and the details of the case before I’ve even fully introduced myself to them,” she said, citing media coverage.

The woman was 21 and unconscious when police say four men raped her on the floor of a university dorm on June 23, 2013.

“The thought of sharing any more of myself that hasn’t already been taken from me seems unbearable, and it goes against every instinct that I have,” she said.

The woman does not remember the rape. The Tennessean generally does not name victims of sexual assault.

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