July 30th Rick Tyler Campaign Kickoff: Take a Stand for Working Class White Families

Mark your calendars. Be there.

The growth of the Traditionalist Worker Party has humbled me and every member of our leadership team. Through your sacrifices we are establishing new chapters, planning new projects, and we have now made our first political endorsement!

Rick Tyler is running for Congress in District 3 of the great State of Tennessee under the motto of “Make America White Again.” Mr. Tyler has happily accepted our endorsement and asked for assistance from our Party to help him in his race.

Mr. Tyler is a family man, small business owner and utterly devoted to building a better future for his children, grandchildren and all White children. His positions include supporting Traditional values, supporting symbols of our people that are under attack such as the Confederate battle flag, restoring sovereignty to the States and local communities, and opposing both globalism and Zionism.

While we had planned a rally in New York for July 30th, Mr. Tyler asked if we could bump the event in New York back a bit in order to help him with his kickoff rally in Tennessee. While the enemy took down Mr. Tyler’s billboards in TN, he has purchased a campaign bus with a billboard on each side to ensure that all the people of East Tennessee will see his message. July 30th was his original planned day to unveil the bus and our Party is happy to be there to stand in solidarity and support of Mr. Tyler.

His first campaign rally that will include live music performed by our very own Paddy Tarleton, speeches by nationalist leaders (myself included), activism, and fellowship. It will be on friendly private property, without any knife fighting or any hordes of knife-wielding trannies and illegals.

The rally will be on July 30th at the White Water Grill which is located at 1224 Hwy 64, Ocoee, TN 37361, with festivities kicking off at 10am and going throughout the day. The Grill is owned by Mr. Tyler so be sure to bring an appetite to help support a fellow nationalist’s small business and prepare for a day of fun, unity, and most importantly; action!

All Party comrades who can attend are asked to wear their Party shirts to the event and come prepared for an exciting debut for our Party’s first endorsed candidate. While we’re working hard to set everything up with our local chapters, this will likely be the first opportunity many of you will have to meet your fellow comrades.

Stand strong my brothers and sisters. The pendulum of history is swinging in our favor and through our first candidate we shall show the potential our Party has to challenge the political Establishment. I hope to see many of you on July 30th! Hail Victory!

