Liberal Response to Oregon ‘Standoff’ Reveals Desire for Unrest, Violence and Bloodshed

Need we say more:

by Joe Newby

In February 2011, I first said that liberalism, at its core, is an ideology of rage and hate. Liberals have proven that assertion correct just about every single day since then, and their reaction to the situation in Oregon is no different. In fact, their reaction — especially on Twitter — reveals a very disturbing desire for unrest, violence and bloodshed.

As I noted earlier Monday, Montel Williams said the National Guard should be given orders to kill the militia members occupying an empty federal building at a wildlife refuge in Oregon.

He is by means alone.

Here’s just a few tweets to give you an idea of the level of hatred on the left.


Perhaps the real reason law enforcement hasn’t used deadly force yet is out of fear that doing so would simply make things a whole lot worse, as Mike Adams said at Natural News:

Reports that federal officials are headed to Oregon to try to “resolve” the situation where armed citizens now occupy a federal wildlife refuge building should raise warning flags for everyone. If the arrogant, tone deaf federal government attempts an aggressive assault on the compound that results in bloodshed, it might very easily spark a nationwide armed revolt against government tyranny in response.


Tensions are running high across the board. More people than ever are now at the end of their ropes on issues like personal bankruptcy, loss of health care coverage under the Obamacare scam, loss of wages due to job cuts and the fear that comes from living with ISIS terrorists already inside U.S. borders thanks to an incompetent, race-baiting president who apparently seeks the deliberate destruction of America.

(Here’s an excellent (external link) video –ed.)

