Trey Gowdy: Open Border Comrade

2013: It comes to light only now…As expected, yet another fake Republican “rock star” dons the filthy raiment of a #cuckservative Republicrat. He is officially now an anti-White pro open border equality monger who deserves nothing but your most poisonous contempt.

Trey Gowdy and The Cockroach. (Check out the guy behind Gowdy.)

For most conservatives, even the prospect of being in the same room with the Marxist open borders anti-American cockroach Rep Luis Gutierrez (above) is enough to trigger a gag reflex, let alone the thought of actual physical contact. Not so for Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) who was all touchy-feely with Gutierrez during hearings back in 2013.

It’s an interesting statement among all of the “my esteemed colleague from” here and “the gentleman from” there overdone structured civility that Gowdy called Gutierrez over for semi-private moment. Gowdy chairs the dysfunctional and dangerously inept committee charged with making certain that our borders are secure and functioning properly. It’s odd and one would argue counter-productive for him to invite the cockroach Rep Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), one of the chief protagonists assaulting the American people in favor of illegals, over to provide him with what certainly look to be some type of assurances.

It’s too bad he isn’t so quick to offer assurances to the American workers and citizens that their jobs and their nation won’t be lost to those who are wandering over here intent on stealing them. Of course neither of the complicit Congressmen would dare to label what is happening as stealing. They prefer to infer some kind of squatters’ rights as being exercised by “the undocumented.”

We’re learning a lot about Rep Gowdy in the last couple of days, weeks and months, particularly in the days since he voted in support of Rep Paul Ryan as Speaker and following his less than stellar results in the Benghazi hearings, where Hillary Clinton is widely viewed to have literally gotten away with murder. Most recently he threw his support for president behind the establishment alternative to Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio. His conduct is nothing like what one would expect from a conservative.

As the video shows, these level of unprofessional affection between the treasonous Marxist who represents invading foreigners rather than Americans is quite chummy with Rep Gowdy just as he is with Speaker Paul Ryan.

It’s amazing and a crime against the citizens of this nation that only a handful of those elected to represent us are even attempting to do so, most opting to provide appearances and deception as the fruits of their labor.

It certainly appears that those voting for Congressman in South Carolina’s fourth district now have a much tougher choice than it appeared just a few days ago.

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