Yes, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is anti-White.

Don’t be foolish enough to expect propaganda to take the form of obvious stereotypes. Of course it does but not always. That kind of propaganda is less effective because your conscious mind is still capable of coming to terms with it. However, since movies and TV are made to work on the subconscious mind it is almost meaningless nowadays when Whites have a leading role in any major media production. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a perfect example. What is truly pernicious is the underlying messages being sent out in the background, the nuances of language and symbolism embedding themselves into the subconscious.

Now you know.

The #BoycottStarWarsVII hashtag on Twitter has received a massive amount of attention from mainstream media, from the BBC, to CNN, the Guardian, USAToday, and many others.

A lot of the major voices on the hashtag are also talking about or hashtaging #WhiteGenocide. Some people don’t understand why they call it genocide.

“Genocide” is not some bad word that we say to scare people – it is the truth because what’s being done to White people on a global scale is classified as genocide under the United Nations Genocide Conventions.

And while the new Star Wars movie does not technically breach any of the genocide conventions, what it does do is participate in a much larger anti-White agenda which does breach the conventions.

Let me explain. When certain people talk about a lack of “diversity” they mean that an area is “too White”. When they call for “diversity” they are calling for an area to move in non-White people until White people are no longer the majority . . . but no one calls for “diversity” in any non-White area.

Now that is what we mean when we say White genocide.

Deliberately trying to change the demographics of a country, state, city, or town is genocide. It doesn’t matter if it’s done with non-violent methods – genocide doesn’t have to be violent to be genocide.

The director of the new Star Wars movie, J.J. Abrams, has admitted that he supports this “diversity” agenda, on film at least.

The new Star Wars movie is not causing White genocide, but it certainly is jumping on the White Genocide band wagon.


It is to sci-fi fantasy what BELLA AND THE BULLDOGS is for kids’ programming.

Jews are celebrating. They not only took over the once wasp-ruled Disney(at odds with Jewish-ruled Hollywood), but they took over STAR WARS, the biggest cultural phenom in the past 50 yrs and turned it into JUNGLE FEVER IN SPACE. And it will be the biggest hit of all time, and there are two more to come.

A whole new generation of kids will grow up associating the force with the ideal of a White chick choosing a Negro mate and hatching mulatto saviors of the universe from her womb.

If Matrix says white boy needs to be apprenticed by a Negro, the new Star Wars goes all the way and says that it is a galactic truth that white girl should choose a Negro for a mate.

With millions of black African males invading Europe, the message is clear. For the world to be saved, white girls must mate with the Negro males, and the mulatto kids should rule Europe like Obama, with support of Jews and homos, ruling over America. It is the Soros-ization of Star Wars.

The main reason why critics are slobbering all over this movie is political. They like its anti-white-male message.

Jews have turned SW into a Cuck Fest, and so many white boys are slobbering over it like cucks slobber over negroes banging their wives or girlfriends.” — Gubbler Chechenova

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