George Will: Enforcing Immigration Law is Ethnic Cleansing

True to form this eight cylinder #cuckservative hack, who enjoys watching his friends on the right and his entire Nation get screwed by the radical left, sends a clear “virtue signal” to the Cultural Marxists. When the grownups come to power he and his ilk would do well to either prepare for trial or start swimming to Tel Aviv.

George Will is the quintessential pundit of the Beltway Right. He has a reputation as a “deep thinker,” but he doesn’t have anything important to say. His most famous writings aren’t about politics, but about baseball. And he’s second only to Thomas Friedman (another “respected” journalist) in his mastery of the perfectly incoherent phrase.

For example, Will has called Donald Trump a “one-man Todd Akin.” Wasn’t Todd Akin a one-man Todd Akin, you cretinous goober?

Will, who famously derided Reagan supporters as “Kamikaze conservatives” in a 1974 column, has decided the greatest moral threat to the Republic is Donald Trump’s “Police State.”

He writes:

This is George Will, a top-of-the-food-chain #cuckservative blowhard
Twitter him here

Trump, however, has made something novel discussible: He proposes turning America into a police state in order to facilitate ethnic cleansing.

When asked whether the forced deportation of 11 million illegal immigrants — almost as many people as passed through Ellis Island in 60 years — might take five or even ten years, Trump scoffed: “Really good management” will get this done in at most two years. To meet a two-year deadline, his “management” wizardry will have to quickly produce a network of informers to assist at least 100,000 new law enforcement officers equipped with battering rams and bloodhounds.

[Candidate Trump Will Soon Become One of the ‘Losers’ He Constantly Mocks, National Review, September 26, 2015]

This clumsy straw man misses several obvious points.

1–The country already did this under President Dwight D. Eisenhower. And as Ike showed, many illegals simply left on their own once they noticed the country was serious about enforcing immigration law.
2–“Battering rams and bloodhounds” aren’t particularly necessary when many illegals are loudly advertising their presence or even testifying before Congress. Strategic deportation of “celebrity illegal aliens” would go a long way to convincing illegals to go home.
3–Nationwide E-Verify and denying illegal immigrants welfare benefits would dry up the jobs and benefits magnets that attract so many people to begin with me.
4–Most importantly, ethnic cleansing is already taking place. But the ethnic cleansing Will favors is the dispossession of Americans by Third World immigrants.

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